Why am I unhappy?
What did I ever do to feel this way?
Why can’t I ever find someone to connect with?
Will I be lonely forever?
What is the meaning of my life?
Why does the world overwhelm me?
HOW do I stop suffering?
If you’ve clicked on this page and are reading these words, it’s likely that you’ve asked at least one of these questions before.
How often do you find yourself struggling with stress, loneliness, fear, pain, anger or feeling overwhelmed every day? You might have come to a point in your life where you just want to know WHY you’re suffering so much. Not only that, but you might feel sick and tired of the pain and just want it to stop.
There is a reason why you’re here, reading these words right now. We want to share with you four simple explanations why you might be suffering:
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1. You’ve experienced a Spiritual Awakening
In other words, you’ve experienced the feeling of “waking up” from the collective dream state of society. Your Spiritual Awakening might have happened as the result of a trauma, tragedy, major life change, illness, or simply because your soul is maturing and evolving.
As a result …
2. You’re stuck in the Dark Night of the Soul
Do you feel as though your entire life has crumbled before you? Do you feel as though you’re falling through an endless black void, with no hope of escape? If so, you might be experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul.
The Dark Night of the Soul is a form of spiritual and existential crisis. It often involves losing interest in social interaction, losing all meaning in life, feeling out-of-touch with the Divine, feeling betrayed or forsaken by Life and having no solid or stable ground to stand on.
Although this might feel like a terrible experience (and we’ve both experienced it), the Dark Night of the Soul is a deeply transformational period in life that is necessary for the growth of every human being.
3. You were born with a high level of sensitivity
As destiny would have it, you were born with a high level of sensitivity. However, in our noisy and chaotic world, your sensitivity is not only drowned out, but it is regarded as a “weakness.” As a result, you may have denounced, denied, or struggled with sensitivity for your entire life.
There are a number of different types of sensitivity, these include:
Spiritual sensitivity – Often referred to as “Old Souls” or Mature Souls, spiritually sensitive people have a greater capacity to connect with the wisdom of the Soul. As a result, they feel isolated in our current materialistic society.
Mental and emotional sensitivity – Empaths are people who can absorb the emotions of others around them, experiencing these foreign emotions as their own. This often leads to chronic mental and physical illness.
Physical sensitivity – Highly Sensitive People or HSPs are people who are born with delicate nervous systems. As a result, HSPs often feel overwhelmed by strong sensory input (light, sounds, smells, tastes, textures).
4. You’ve experienced soul loss
As a result of societal conditioning, childhood trauma, PTSD, addiction or abuse, you may have experienced something we refer to as “soul loss.” Soul loss is the experience of having been forcefully distanced from your Soul so severely that you feel as though pieces of you are “missing” or broken.
Unfortunately, when we are not guided by the Soul, we experience painful consequences such as the loss of meaning, anxiety, fatigue, mental illness, chronic disease, numbing ourselves with addictions, and so forth.
Inner Work
Now that you’ve discovered four possible causes of your suffering, you might be wondering how to heal these issues.
We believe in the value of diving deep and going to the root of issues. Inner work is the practice of working with your body, mind, heart, and soul. The aim of inner work is to help you rediscover the clarity, self-love, and wholeness you desire deep down. This will help you to live a life of joy rather than suffering. Click here to get started.
We hope this article has helped you discover the underlying cause of your suffering. If you need any more guidance, please explore the topics we have linked to on this page further.
With love,
Luna & Sol
If you need more help, we offer 3 powerful ways to guide you on your inner journey:
1. The Spiritual Wanderer Course: Feeling lost or uncertain about your path and purpose in life? Gain clarity and focus by learning about the five archetypes of awakening within you. Discover your deeper path and purpose using our in-depth psychospiritual map. Includes 3+ hours of audio-visual content, workbooks, meditations, and a premium test.
2. Shadow & Light Membership: Seeking ongoing support for your spiritual journey? Receive weekly intuitive guidance and learn to embrace your whole self, including your shadow side. Deepen your self-love and receive personal support from us.
3. Spiritual Awakening Bundle: Ready to soul search and dive deep? Access our complete "essentials" collection of beloved journals and eBooks. Includes five enlightening eBooks and seven guided journals, plus two special bonuses to further illuminate your path.