Facing The Darkness
(See: The Spiritual Wanderer's Journey Overview)
No matter who we are, we all experience a descent into the inner Underworld at least once in life. This plunge into darkness may be triggered by a life trauma, an old wound, losing a profound spiritual experience, or the spontaneous eruption of our familiar daily reality.
Whatever the case, all spiritual wanderers are called to face the darkness sooner or later. While this may be scary, it’s an essential part of awakening. Breakdown must come before breakthrough, and death must precede rebirth. Like a caterpillar dissolving in its cocoon, we will eventually emerge renewed and transfigured, finding the light at the end of the tunnel.
Here are some of the most crucial resources for this part of the journey:
(For an in-depth overview of this entire awakening process, see our illuminating Spiritual Wanderer Course.)
Must read articles on Facing The Darkness
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