Our shadow selves are those dark and mysterious places within us that we have refused to shine the “light” on, for one reason or another.
The human shadow contains every thought, feeling, desire, and personality trait that we have rejected or suppressed.
Consider this test an initiation into the shadow work path if you haven’t entered it already. No matter what result you get, it’s always crucial to incorporate some level of shadow work into your life and spiritual awakening journey.
What is Shadow Work?

Shadow work is the practice of finding, befriending, and transmuting the wounded, suppressed, and buried parts of yourself (i.e., your shadows) so that you can regain access to your inner Light.
Our Dark Side & Carl Jung Shadow Self Quotes
Where does this idea of having a dark side come from in modern times? The concept of the shadow originated in the work of Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung.
Here are a few of the most famous Carl Jung shadow self quotes to contemplate:
Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.
(Psychology and Religion)
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognising the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
(Psychology and Alchemy)
The shadow is a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well. But one must learn to know oneself in order to know who one is.
(The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious)
Shadow Self Test
So, how dominant is your shadow self and what effect does it have on your life?
Find out by taking our free Shadow Self Test.
What result did you get in this shadow self test?
Share your results!
Want to take another test? Try our Shadow Archetype Test.
Need more shadow work guidance? See our Shadow Work Journal, Mindful Shadow Work book, or Shadow & Light Membership for more ongoing support with working to embrace and transmute your Shadow Self.
Large shadow self… yeah, ouch. I remember discovering the concept that without light, darkness cannot exist a while back. You can’t have one without the other. I consider myself as someone who’s creative and love to express myself by singing or writing music. Yet I have parts of me that I despised and wanted to destroy- so I did. Guess what, it worked. Without darkness, there was no light either. I killed my passion for life and music and creativity. I didn’t care whether I lived or died, nothing mattered. I died to apathy. Battling my addiction seemed pointless and everything lost meaning. I decided to take a leap of faith and bring back my love for life. Of course the shadow-self came with it as well. I think I’m extremely fortunate to come across this website during this time. I’m struggling with approaching my shadow-self and understanding my self-sabotaging behavior. Thanks for making this website guys, I hope that I can learn just a bit more about understanding my inner-self.
I’ve been extremely spiritual and gifted since I was born, but I just discovered it recently. I’m 51 years old and all my life I’ve tried to ignore and hide what I couldn’t from others about the REAL ME, because I was teased, bullied, hurt and so much worse. I just turned 51 yesterday and the last 6 years EVERYTHING has come back to me FULL FORCE. I can’t run or hide from my true self any longer and I don’t want to. I’m always looking for help with all of these things I’m trying to process and I’m very thankful for your site. I’ve tried to talk to others about all this and all they want to do is refer me to counselors, psychiatrists and other crap like that. Those things don’t help me. I just wanna talk with people about my experiences and have real friends, with real connections. Right now it’s pretty lonely and I’m having a really hard time with all of this, but I know that I don’t need people who don’t understand trying to make me conform to their beliefs, rules or systems. Please don’t think I’m crazy like most do and suggest I… Read more »
I never knew why I felt depressed and I found out why. One thing that at five yrs old I didn’t know how to deal with shaped my pain and kept me around toxic people. I cut them All out of my life and I am happier.
What does it mean if you do a lot of shadow/inner work and your actual shadow becomes huge?
MEDIUM Shadow Self That’s what I got, and after the other on point test results I have zero doubts that this results is correct. So I have a new thing on my schedule. Thank you 7 3 8 3 7
Me & my SMALL shadow… The quiz results indicate that I’m fairly well-adjusted, as in “don’t tame your demons, but keep ’em on a leash” (Hozier). Even so, for me and hopefully for others like me, let us not underestimate the potential of finding good things in small packages! We are all “the entire ocean in a tiny drop,” the “universe in a nutshell” and “infinity in an hour.” Shadow work is necessary, even for the lil ones :) Thank you, friends, for the opportunity to utilize the Shadow Self Workbook and for the work and wisdom shared on your site. Be blessed, Beloved!
LARGE Shadow Self
You most likely have a LARGE or significant Shadow Self buried deep within your unconscious mind. Almost all of us are raised believing that we have to hide, repress, or reject parts of ourselves which are “unlovable,” “unacceptable” or “taboo.” Every outlawed part within us forms what Jungian psychoanalysts call “the Shadow Self.” As a result, most people have Shadows, or dark sides. However, the longer we repress parts of ourselves, the bigger our Shadows grow. This can lead to problems such as self-hatred, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, neuroticism, and relationship dysfunction.
As you have a large Shadow Self, you might find that your Shadow frequently sabotages your happiness, work life success, and relationship harmony.
Thank you for the opportunity to learn more about Shadow work also take the tests to assess myself.
I usually examine my experiences, engage in self-conversation to see what is happening within me.
There are things i am already doing but did not know was part od Shadow Work. Now i can integrate this
as continue my shadow work. So thank you for this new adventure in shadow work.
I cannot do any tests. I click the freebies page, select tests, and there are no links or prompts for me to follow that allows me to take the tests.
This website is exactly what I needed, I’ve been on my journey for just over a year after 45 years of being in a rudderless ship, and lately I’ve felt stagnant and in search of the next step or direction to take. I feel renewed and am going to review the material again and think it over as I was thinking shadow work journal was perfect, but after reading everything I may start with the inner child journal. What I know for sure, my intuition is telling me that no matter which this website contains the next leg of my journey. Thank you for being a guiding light.