Each person on the face of the earth has a spiritual gift that grows, deepens, and strengthens through life.
However, unfortunately, not all of us know what our spiritual gifts are. Often this leaves us feeling lost, empty, and unsure about our life purpose.
What Are Spiritual Gifts?
Spiritual gifts are talents, abilities, and powers given to us by Life, God/dess, the Divine, or Spirit.
Spiritual gifts are:
- Innate,
- Powerful,
- Given by grace, and
- Help us fulfill our life purpose.
When you find your spiritual gift, you may feel a sense of immediate recognition or a sensation that a lightbulb has instantly turned on. This is a good sign! Listen to it.
Finding Your Gift & the Spiritual Awakening Journey
The spiritual awakening process is a journey of both being and becoming.
On the one hand, we’re called to be mindful, present, and accepting of who we are right here, right now. On the other hand, we’re also called to grow, evolve, and find our true potential.
Discovering your unique spiritual gift can help orient you in life, shedding light on your strengths and what you can potentially offer to this world.
Spiritual Gifts Test
In this spiritual gifts test, you will discover your spiritual gift. This test includes eight possible spiritual gifts, and each one will provide you with your corresponding spiritual archetype.
What did you get?
Share your results!
I didn’t get a result. I took the test twice, just in case, but results never showed up.
I got Honesty. The Priest/Priestess. Anyone who knows me would totally agree with this! I think sometimes it’s to my detriment but maybe because I am neurodiverse that I find it hard not to be. I think it has cost me jobs too but they weren’t suitable for me.
Wisdom. I would suppose the importance of wisdom is that it leads to being rooted even in the face of existential terror. Interesting. I never considered myself as having a calling, because I never felt called to be anywhere or do anything in particular. Life simply happens, on a large scale. But maybe there is something to it.
Courage? I wasn’t expecting that.I feel validated right now
Hi, This comment concerning many in need is the best possible way so here comes. “I am very stressed concerning the donations” I am not making” to the greatest quest of humanity “to rediscover ourself and by virtue of it feel freedoms”. You guys are amazing!!
Thanks for everything🚀
CreativityCreating AI art is my newest hobby and I’m planning to continue with singing in a chorus or taking tap classes again. Creativity is my outlet and keeps me sane😄
Emparh 💁🤷
I got empathy :p which fits but … like many personality sorta tests, there are some confounding things here! like the ‘big decision’ thing … how much I consider its impact on others depends on how much it involves others, for example
or the symbols .. sometimes even if I’d normally like a certain symbol (e.g. an animal), I might prefer another at times strictly because of design
also I was a little confused about the ‘which would you least like to have in your personality’ … I picked the quality I least want in general, but was it meant to ask which quality do I have that I want to excise from myself?
empathy….. the healer….
yes, i know.
but how can i expand that beyond simply being a caregiver or therapist?
maybe i don’t need to, huh? ☺️
This was good. Creativity has been my only outlet and form of expression for most of my existence. So I am glad it can become a gift to others.