The King and Queen of all quizzes!
What do you get when you merge Japanese psychology, the Rorschach inkblot test, a sprinkle of Jungian psychology, and the Tarot all together? Well … you’ll find out! (But I can guarantee that it’s probably one of the weirdest tests you’ll ever take.)
What is the Subconscious Mind?
Your subconscious mind can be compared to an inner basement in which all of the material not currently inhabiting your conscious awareness is stored.
Every memory, skill, experience, feeling, thought, and forgotten or subliminal piece of information is housed in your subconscious mind. It is this powerful part of your brain that carries out actions on autopilot, delivers intuitive and instinctual information, and predetermines how you will act in any given situation.
Your subconscious mind is also where unresolved or suppressed feelings, desires, and ideas dwell, and is therefore where your shadow (or the rejected parts of yourself) can lurk. For this reason, shadow work is one of the most powerful ways of exploring your subconscious mind and freeing it of any weight it may be carrying.
You can see our popular and highly rated Shadow Work Journal for a deep guided way to explore this hidden part of you.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind for most people is a total mystery. Yet science has proven that a large percentage of our feelings, thoughts, and major life decisions are based on the impulses arising from this strange realm.
Your subconscious mind influences everything from the partner you choose, to the jobs you take on, personas you adopt, addictions you develop, and aspirations you have in life. The craziest thing is that often we aren’t even aware of the impact that our subconscious mind has on us.
As I pointed out above, there is also another darker side to the subconscious mind: it is the place where we often hide or suppress the emotions that we don’t want to face. Mind you, not everything buried in the subconscious mind is negative – there can be brilliantly creative and joyful elements within it as well – but some of what the subconscious contains can feel quite strange or confronting.
In this test, you’re presented with the possibility to learn either positive or negative qualities about yourself, and receiving either is neither right nor wrong, it just is.
Subconscious Mind Test
After receiving your answer in this test, please reflect on any reactions you might have. Do you feel shocked, angry or defensive? If so, consider that these reactions might be defense mechanisms.
Defense mechanisms are like inner walls that immediately go up whenever we touch on an inconvenient (or painful) truth. Again, you can check out our Shadow Work Journal or even our Shadow & Light membership for more ongoing guidance.
Also, don’t take the answer you receive as a certainty. See it instead as a possibility. As with any quiz, accuracy can’t be 100% guaranteed (but we’ve tried our best!).
So have fun with this subconscious mind test, and don’t forget to share your results (if you’re so inclined)!
Oh yes:
P.S. Why is the Tarot included in this test? Most people have false assumptions about the tarot. The dominant belief is that the tarot is some kind of hocus-pocus fortune telling gimmick. This is far from the truth. Yes, the tarot can be used by modern bejeweled “gypsy fortune tellers” to make grandiose predictions. But most genuine tarot readers in this day and age believe that no path is set in stone. We are in charge of our destiny. The Tarot is a powerful psychological tool that reveals your unconscious desires, needs, thoughts, gifts, and aspirations. In short, the Tarot is a powerful tool for exploring your unconscious mind. The deck used in this test is one that I personally use and recommend called The Smith-Waite Tarot Centennial Edition Deck.
We’ve also created questions inspired from the book ‘Kokology’ created by University professors Isamu Saito and Tadahiko Nagao.
On to the test!
What did you get?
Share your results below!
Hello. I did the test and it was really easy to choose between the options :). My result was: Love
Deep down, you are a kind and gentle soul who craves love. You have a strong subconscious need to give love to others and receive love. Although you may sometimes appear strong, stoic or self-sufficient on the outside, that is only hiding your deeply compassionate heart and desire to unite others.
Not everything buried in the subconscious is dark or negative. Love is an example of a positive force that is too often suppressed because of how overwhelming and overpowering (and therefore intimidating) it can be. So ask yourself, in what ways are you withholding love or avoiding receiving it from others? And most importantly, why?
Here is another question: what insecurities or mistaken beliefs are causing you to repress the energy of love?
Your soul is a force of nature that longs to spread love. Find ways of generating more self-compassion in your life, and you will find yourself feeling more and more at peace.
Thank you. I got “Love.” I felt affirmed. I tried taking the test twice, answering slightly differently in a couple of places, and got the same result. In the question about dreaming about my parents, none of the answers really fit, but I remembered a fairly recent dream of being aware that my mother was dying. My dreams about parents are overwhelmingly about working in a house with them and siblings on the periphery. The task is always either moving out the possessions or cleaning the house before we move away. I am the one doing the work, the others usually inefficient or disengaged. Over time the amount of work to be done has diminished. Lately the house is basically empty, and we’re ready to go. In the last dream, it was the house from my early childhood. It was for sale and empty except for an antique cupboard that I liked that, in real life, had been left behind in the basement. I accepted, this time, that the cupboard was being left behind. I was showing the buyers that the house had stairs to the basement so they could fully utilize the house. I hoped they might like the… Read more »
I got “LOVE” — that is a nice thing to be living in my subconscious mind!! that makes me feel like it is the ultimate driving force of my life!! I am motivated by love~ giving it, receiving it, and raising the frequency of those I encounter thru my work and spreading bliss, joy and self awareness!! I didn’t see any of those negative things in the rorsharc tests!! I saw lots of mystical things!! The goals of my Conscious mind are to achieve self mastery and enlightenment, so I am always looking for mystical hints in this life to raise my vibration even higher. Thanks for the fun Quiz and your gorgeous website!
Took the test and answered honestly – not as I thought I should. I have a lot of grief and sadness inside me. Fortunately I’ve been working with a therapist and knew this. I recently went through the break up of a long term friendship.
Just did your quiz and it says I am suppressing Love in my subconscious. It asks why I have difficulty giving and receiving love and I am a kind gentle soul. This definitely resonates. I appear very confident, able and independent but I long to feel a belonging. I always feel need to fix and make things nice with everyone which I now realise is codependent behaviour. Unfortunately my family dont ‘get’ me and I have suffered from being excluded and teased for being too nice by my mum and told I must toughen up which has made me ashamed of being nice! I am through becoming a reiki practitioner getting in touch with my kindness to myself and others aswell as my belief in best health being achievable through natural means and hope this is a rewarding path for my future.
I’ve checked out as “love” which didn’t surprise me. I’ve known for many years that I have self love and love to share my love with others as well receive it from others. Supposedly, from what I read, this is the direct opposite of what is suggested here. No way do I suppress love. I find it frustrating for me when I cannot share my love with others. Love is an integral part of my personality. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to take the test. It is an interesting one for those of us who like to learn.
Love. I felt a profound wave of sadness overcome me for a brief moment. It is accurate though, as I practice tarot and it, too, has been telling me I need to be more compassionate toward myself. Reflecting and working on this, I’ve come to realize that a lot of my shadow selves crave love/compassion, an understanding. I think they were formed because the ways in which I was raised as a child; my mother may have thought she was showing love, but I distinctly remember feeling it was conditional. No hard feelings toward her though, as she’s healing on her path and I on mine. I just need to remember to be a more compassionate parent toward my inner child and those shadow selves that present themselves to me.
Wow, intense and accurate. Mine is isolation.
My goodness, this was fabulous.
Mine is Love.
Which amazes me as within the past two weeks I have come to see that the bulk of my problems and issues directly stem from one truth:
I did not love and trust myself, nor love and trust Source (nor even believe).
Three intensive years of healing, and here I am, all my problem-creation is due to this one truth.
Luckily, it seems that advancement and growth in either sphere is directly connected to advancement and growth in the other simultaneously.
What a grand design,
Thank you again!