Everything within our world consists of energy at its core, and that includes us as human beings.
Our chakras represent places within our non-physical bodies through which the life force (chi or prana) flows. When any one of these seven chakras becomes blocked, we suffer from a host of physical, emotional, and psychological ills.
As author Anodea Judith writes,
A chakra is a center of organization that receives, assimilates, and expresses life force energy. The word chakra literally translates as “wheel” or “disk” and refers to a spinning sphere of bioenergetic activity emanating from the major nerve ganglia branching forward from the spinal column.
These spinning ‘wheels’ of energy are traditionally described as being located in seven different areas of our bodies: our groin, stomach, solar plexus, heart, throat, forehead, and top of our head. There are also smaller, minor chakras that are found in our hands, feet, and other areas.
Chakras and the Spiritual Path
Why should we bother working with our chakras?
For those new to the spiritual path, having some kind of psychological, physical, and energetic map to work with is tremendously helpful. Furthermore, the chakra system – an ancient teaching originating in India over 4,000 years ago – can help us become more happy, balanced, and grounded people when studied and implemented with intention.
Free Chakra Test: Which Chakra is Most Imbalanced?
To help you begin this path of inner work, I’ve created a simple, free chakra test below. The purpose of this test is to help you find the chakra that is most imbalanced within you (and therefore needs to be worked with first).
As with any online test, take it with a grain of salt. It’s not created to diagnose you in any way – it’s merely food for thought. If you don’t resonate with the result, that’s fine. Take what you like and leave the rest. I always encourage you to think for yourself and do your own research, especially when it comes to your spiritual growth.
Remember to answer each question honestly!
What did you get?
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There is a a Google advert blocking half of the answers on this quiz? On phone device.
Root chakra
My psyche is way off ballance and my Shrink isn’t doing much to help, what should I do?
It was somehow right. I mean it said what the symptoms of the solar plexus are and it’s quite accurate…both physical and mental. I mean the mental is caused because mental illnesses I was diagnosed with. My self esteem is so low that I hate my self so much I wish I was dead. I’m told I have ADHD, ocd, PTSD, autism and depression so yeah I’m quite imbalanced.
Crown Chakra. Interesting
Solar Plexus Chakra
Sure. We could all use work on our root.
Heart chakra
The test questions are blocked by picture’s, so unable participate in this test, properly,,,
every time i do the charkra test it is always between my Third eye Charkra and my Crown Charkra.