Take our free intuitive empath test to discover what your most powerful empathic gift is! Note: while we are all composed of a complex array of traits and capabilities, this test narrows down your main intuitive strength or potential. If you would like more in-depth information about being an empath, check out our empath book.
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Fauna Empath, which is truly accurate. I rescue and rehabilitate animals, was a vet assistant, volunteer at rescues, and have had all types of pets. My cats are all adoptions/rescues. Haven’t eaten meat or fish in 18 years.
I got claircognizant empath and yes it is very accurate
Claircognizant Empath. I had my first spiritual awakening 3 years ago and finally started to understand my “weirdness”. It took 45 years to find the words for my experiences.
(Thank you for your books for helping so much. Especially Shadow Work. I was almost done with it when I had a Kundalini awakening! That was completely unexpected and intense!)
I’ve been communing with spirits since I was a child and seeing that question was a surprise. It’s something I’ve shared with only a couple of people. I’d know things I shouldn’t for my age. Many times people came to me for advice and I could see what was going to be said and the outcome. I never gave it much thought. I was just happy to help lol.
Precognitive empath
I am an empath for sure. I feel everything that everyone is feeling. Even something on TV can make me have emotions that are on the TV. Sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming. But I deal with it the best I can.
flora empath
Claircognizant Empath … I’m glad I has a name 😁
Claircognizant Empath
medium empath :3
Fauna EmpathThat is me. I can practically understand what my cats are saying (I want food! Or Wake up! Or even Play with me!)