Uncontrolled bursts of anger, sexual addiction, strange phobias, unexpected deep depressions, unshakeable self-loathing, and self-destructive tendencies are all signs of the shadow archetype – and we all have one.
The shadow archetype, also known as the shadow self or dark side of humanity, can be seen throughout myth and legend since the dawn of humanity.
If you’d like to discover your shadow archetype, some examples, and how it influences your life, you’ll find that and more right here!
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Table of contents
What is the Shadow Jungian Archetype?
How can anyone see straight when he does not even see himself and the darkness he unconsciously carries with him into all his dealings?
– C. G. Jung, The Essential Jung
We can thank Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung for his idea of psychological archetypes, which are patterns that appear repeatedly within human consciousness.
Among the many archetypes within our species is one that Jung named the Shadow, which is the dark, suppressed, and hidden side of our nature.
How Does Your Shadow Form (and Signs It’s Active)?
For one reason or another, we all have abandoned parts within ourselves that we reject either consciously or unconsciously.
These rejected parts are often deemed “ugly,” “bad,” “unworthy,” “outrageous,” “unlovable,” or even “dangerous,” and so they’re cast out from our conscious-facing personalities (also called our “persona”).
But these outlawed fragments of ourselves don’t just disappear into thin air. Instead, they get buried, locked away, and, in some cases, actively blocked off within our deep unconscious minds.
The longer these shadow parts are cut off from the light of consciousness, the more they fester and build up like a seething volcano waiting to explode.
Incidents of intense rage, emotional meltdowns, mental health crises, addictions, dark nights of the soul, and many other issues are signs that the shadow is trying to get our attention.
Why Should You Face Your Shadows?
To be liberated from the self-destructive force of our shadows, we must turn toward them.
We must integrate the shadow archetype into our lives by befriending it and finding the hidden gifts that it carries. In the words of Jung,
Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.
(Psychology and Religion)
Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle writes about the shadow archetype, referring to it as the “pain-body.” He writes:
The pain-body, which is the dark shadow cast by the ego, is actually afraid of the light of your consciousness. It is afraid of being found out. Its survival depends on your unconscious identification with it, as well as on your unconscious fear of facing the pain that lives in you. But if you don’t face it, if you don’t bring the light of your consciousness into the pain, you will be forced to relive it again and again.
(The Power of Now)
Shadow Archetype Examples
Here’s a list of shadow archetype examples.
Keep in mind that most of us possess more than one shadow archetype, and they can change during the course of our lives.
Also, note that none of these shadow archetypes is totally black or white – remember that each type has a hidden gift or strength:
- Addict
- Glutton
- Workaholic
- Beggar
- Bully
- Coward
- Wounded/Orphan Child
- Destroyer
- Seducer/Black Widow/Don Juan
- Gambler
- Gossip
- Perfectionist
- Critic
- Miser
- Anarchist
- Saboteur
- Trickster
- Slave
- Sorcerer/Sorceress
- Thief/Con Artist
- Tyrant
- Vampire
- Victim
A few shadow archetype examples in pop-culture and fiction include Green Goblin (Spider-Man), Alex (A Clockwork Orange), Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes), Gollum (The Lord of the Rings), Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter), Norman Bates (Psycho), Darth Vader (Star Wars), The Joker (Batman), Regina George (Mean Girls), Ursula (The Little Mermaid), Agent Smith (The Matrix), Duck Phillips (Mad Men), Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal), Montgomery Burns (The Simpsons), Joffrey Baratheon (Game of Thrones), Nurse Ratched (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest).
You can find more ways to work with your shadow archetype in my Mindful Shadow Work book!
What is Your Shadow Archetype? (Free Test!)
There are seven main shadow archetypes in this test, which correspond to the seven chakras. The result you get can help you find some focus and clarity on your healing journey.
What is your shadow archetype? Share below in the comments!
**NOTE: If you’re taking this test on your phone, be aware that the results are within an embedded iframe, so if you struggle to scroll down, try scrolling right at the very edge of your screen to keep going down. Also, a few people have reported that their results aren’t appearing. If you don’t seem to receive any results, please try taking this test in a different browser (examples are Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome), and if that doesn’t work, try using a different device or opening in incognito mode. Enjoy!
What result did you get? Please share below in the comments. I’d love to know!
If you’re interested in other shadow-related resources, here are a few: Shadow Self Test, 35 Shadow Work Prompts (For Each Chakra), and 21 Signs You’re Experiencing “Soul Loss”.
If you need more help, we offer 3 powerful ways to guide you on your inner journey:
1. The Spiritual Wanderer Course: Feeling lost or uncertain about your path and purpose in life? Gain clarity and focus by learning about the five archetypes of awakening within you. Discover your deeper path and purpose using our in-depth psychospiritual map. Includes 3+ hours of audio-visual content, workbooks, meditations, and a premium test.
2. Shadow & Light Membership: Seeking ongoing support for your spiritual journey? Receive weekly intuitive guidance and learn to embrace your whole self, including your shadow side. Deepen your self-love and receive personal support from us.
3. Spiritual Awakening Bundle: Ready to soul search and dive deep? Access our complete "essentials" collection of beloved journals and eBooks. Includes five enlightening eBooks and seven guided journals, plus two special bonuses to further illuminate your path.
This was so accurate that it startled me.
This is absolutely brilliant and spot on thank you 🙏
Wow. This test is spot on! Wounded Child Shadow. I still am distrustful of others and my main concern is being safe and at peace. The only thing on that list that doesn’t apply is hoarding. I’m the exact opposite. I do journal and meditate and love being outside and in nature. However, there’s discord in my family and I constantly feel disconnected. Guess I need to start delving deeper and heal my root chakra.
I got the trickster. I agree with some of the points, others were what I used to be (I worked on those points before now) and there’s a couple I don’t agree with.
It’s weird that the trickster came up. I’m Norse pagan and work with Loki quite a bit. He’s not as bad as everyone makes him out to be. And yes, I am a Marvel fan and love watching both series of Loki on Disney+.
I will try some of the suggestions made to balance my throat chakra. As a chatty Gemini, I know all about the throat chakra. Looks like I have some work to do. Xx
Nihilist 🤷♀️
This was an awfully short test!
I got Wounded child, unexpectedly.
There were limited options in the Enraged partner question, that I wish there were more options…. Because my real world reaction to that situation would have been “Wonder what’s wrong with her, how can I help”.
And I see I share this Shadow with Katniss Everdeen!
I wonder if Wonder Woman also falls under this shadow.
I had a blank page after I’d taken the test on both my phone and pc. I then realised I wasn’t clicking on ‘skip this step’ under the ‘Want to illuminate your hidden depths’ ‘Get free weekly guidance’ section.
Perhaps others were doing the same! I hope this helps.
I’m an Idealist apparently! Many Moons ago I was a people pleaser, which turned out to be, to my own detriment – You know what they say ‘If you want something done, ask a busy person’. My inability to say ‘NO’ (in both my work and personal life) eventually took it’s toll, on both my mental and physical health. I finally said to myself, ‘enough is enough’, I then said to my employers ‘enough is enough’, they wouldn’t accept this and decided to make my life a misery. We got involved in a legal battle and my mental health and (unbeknown at the time, my physical health) further declined until it was finally over. I slowly started to change, I began to say ‘No’ it was a long process but I now rarely do anything I don’t want to, or don’t have time to do. It took a good couple of years to get on top of my health issues, at which point I decided to pack up my home and move 100 miles across country with my dog. I haven’t looked back. I’ve cut a lot of people out of my life and I now feel for the most… Read more »
The test didn’t work, nothing came up?
Wounded child. Spot on. Have been working on these issues. However, having a name, Wounded Child that embodies all of the feelings and behaviours makes them seem less global and scattered. It helps to coalesce them into one file so that they are manageable therefore give a sense of control and ability to heal.