How healthy vs. toxic is your current romantic relationship? Are you slipping into unhealthy and destructive habits or have they been around for a long time? Find out your score in our free emotionally toxic relationship test.
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My story with my husband is 22 years long. We tend to ask each other how did we make it this long?!!! When we first got together my first husband had announced he wanted to break up. And my husband now father had just recently died. We both were hurting very much. I was just wanting to meet him as a friend because I knew his dad. His family and my family knew each other for many years before. Everyone knew him except me. I wasn’t looking for a relationship so soon. But for him I was it! I just wasn’t ready, but when he announced he loved me I thought, ” oh no. What am I going to do with that?” Well I didn’t really do anything with it. To say it simple. I felt stuck. Yet I wanted to stay. I moved in with him right away because I couldn’t handle being home emotionally. I was looking for a break from all of that and he offered me to get away at his house. I was in a place in life I was just ready to give up. I kept telling myself this must be what I deserve.… Read more »
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