Are you a loner (aka. an outsider)?
There are two types of loner in the world: the voluntary and the involuntary.
The involuntary loner doesn’t choose his or her aloneness, rather, it is imposed by circumstance or psychological condition.
The voluntary loner, on the other hand, is an innately solitary person. S/he enjoys being a lone wolf, spending time with her inner world, dreaming big, and walking a unique path.
In reality, loners are often people who enjoy spending most of their time alone because they struggle to fit in with the rest of society.
They find the company of other people tiresome and limiting, and as such, they crave the freedom of living an authentic life.
Deep down, loners are usually free spirits who crave time alone to listen to their Soul‘s voice.
We’ll be testing for those who genuinely enjoy spending time alone (i.e., voluntary loners) in this test.
If you’re an involuntary loner who desperately craves the company of others, or who feels a lot of hatred or resentment towards the world, please read this article on inner work. It will help you begin the journey of healing, deeper connection, and self-acceptance.
So, are you a lone wolf? Take our free Loner Test below to discover your unique percentage score!
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95 points. I did try though, make friends, let people in. But i always end up regretting that choice and have to ‘break myself free’ to safe my mental welbeing. Now i just gave up, sort of. And its ok. It gives me more peace. A few years ago i thought it was important to have friends and to be a part of society. Go out, have drinks, spend time with other people and all that. But it is exhausting and overwhelming. I’m fine with my cup of tea. 😄
100 points
got 100 points, i dont understand it but theres a feeling behind my outside self that just wants to scream and suffer, especally around people in a crowd
A score of 90. I’ve always felt I’m a loner. As an older adult, I can realise, I love my own company, working, gym, shopping, prefer the uncomplicated simplicity of most activities alone. But, I do enjoy interacting with others, in a party group, or a confident, but I don’t need the support of others to go out there. I enjoy holidays with my husband.
well i scored 80 points in being Loner i already knew that i was one but i tried it
I got 85 points, well I’m not supprised, I did other quizzes and found out I’m a loner too…