Are you a loner (aka. an outsider)?
There are two types of loner in the world: the voluntary and the involuntary.
The involuntary loner doesn’t choose his or her aloneness, rather, it is imposed by circumstance or psychological condition.
The voluntary loner, on the other hand, is an innately solitary person. S/he enjoys being a lone wolf, spending time with her inner world, dreaming big, and walking a unique path.
In reality, loners are often people who enjoy spending most of their time alone because they struggle to fit in with the rest of society.
They find the company of other people tiresome and limiting, and as such, they crave the freedom of living an authentic life.
Deep down, loners are usually free spirits who crave time alone to listen to their Soul‘s voice.
We’ll be testing for those who genuinely enjoy spending time alone (i.e., voluntary loners) in this test.
If you’re an involuntary loner who desperately craves the company of others, or who feels a lot of hatred or resentment towards the world, please read this article on inner work. It will help you begin the journey of healing, deeper connection, and self-acceptance.
So, are you a lone wolf? Take our free Loner Test below to discover your unique percentage score!
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I had the baby it’s a girl
I scored 50 and i totally agree i am such a nature/crystal geek and i feel like such an outsider.
I scored a 90. That’s pretty accurate, I am definitely a loner though.
I scored less than 50 but I don’t usually like being with people
My personality is pretty indecisive ngl
I scored 100.
Not surprised everyone keeps complaining and worst of all my in laws can’t stand me when I’m I spend most of my time in the bedroom.
“Like seriously it’s my life I do me you do you. I come to entrain your brother or son or nephew or cousin not you people just him!”
Too bad I can’t tell them that . So annoying how people don’t get me .wish they could understand the lonewolf Life.
I scored 100.
I scored 90. This is a very accurate score on me. I have always been very selective in whom I associate myself with. I feel very confident on my own and enjoy others’ company when I invite them to my life. I quickly shun the undisereable ones quite quickly. I have had very many years of good marriage and have a career that I chose and enjoy. Medicine. I have had problems in life, some critical but not as bad as if I had a crowd around me.
85 points… As an indigo, I do enjoy the company of people, just as long as I can strike a meaningful conversation with them. I would also like to have a partner, and I’d ideally meet him a couple hours a day, when I’m not busy with my own stuff.
So it’s not I really dislike social contact, but if the interactions are shallow or meaningless, I feel they are wasting my time. The few times I found compatible people, I’m attracted to them like a magnet.
Hello im would like to get to explore the wonders of the spiritual world but all I need is a guiding plz if possible share ur contact details through my email
Official reporting mechanisms have the great benefit of indicating that harassment is an action against not just one woman but against society itself and that society, even a small portion of it at a conference, has a stake in stopping it cold. It is the harasser who should feel small and alone, in the face of a united front. Bravo Elise.