We all interact with the world in ways that are as unique as ourselves.
There are thinkers and feelers, introverted and extroverted people, highly sensitive and intuitive people, as well as endless other ways of processing the world around us.
It’s no surprise then to discover that we each give, receive, and understand love in different ways.
Although there are as many love “dialects” as there are people, there are six main love styles that we use to communicate: Physical, Practical, Presents, Kind Words, Activity, and Kinship.
We each have an “emotional love tank” that constantly needs replenishing. When our emotional tank is empty, we feel unloved, unappreciated, and our relationships wither.
Most problems in our relationships with other people come from speaking in different love styles, whether that be with your partner, friend, or even child.
For example, your husband/wife might complain to you that you “don’t spend enough time with him/her” when you communicate your love through physical affection.
In this free love styles quiz, you’ll find out what your primary love style is. Discovering your love style will help you to communicate with others how you prefer to receive love.
This test can also help you to understand your loved ones better and enhance a deeper sense of interbeing and spiritual connectedness with them.
So feel free to also encourage your loved ones to take this love styles quiz so that the two of you can find out how to speak their love style as well.
What did you get?
Share your results in the comments!
Describes me to a t!
Practical…this was very accurate!