Are you a spiritual wanderer?
Modern spirituality places great emphasis on the transcendent – on the Spirit. But unfortunately, this obsession with the ethereal comes at a detriment to the Soul.
The Soul is Spirit embodied. The Soul is mystery, enchantment, and poetry incarnate – it is earthy, sensual, ecstatic, and rooted in the here-and-now. The Soul is primarily yin (feminine), while Spirit is primarily yang (masculine).
In a world currently dominated by an imbalance of yang, we need yin again. We desperately need to reconnect with the Soul.
We need to walk the path of the spiritual wanderer who is innately and irresistibly drawn to the flame of the Soul – one’s Inner Light.
The way to do this is through Ensoulment.
Table of contents
What is the Soul?
We all possess a Soul. On a fundamental level, Soul is our animating essence – it derives from the Old English word sāwol which means “spiritual and emotional part of a person, animate existence” (1).
Through the ages, thanks to both religious and wider spiritual influence alike, the Soul has been understood as the indwelling spark of Divinity we all carry.
In a nutshell, Soul is your innermost essence or Spirit embodied in earthly form. To use a simple analogy, Spirit is like pure light, whereas Soul is the kaleidoscopic multi-colored lens through which Spirit shines.
Read more: Higher Self: 11 Ways to Connect With Your Soul »
What is Ensoulment?
The word Ensoulment is composed of ‘Ensoul,’ which means to endow or imbue with a Soul, and the suffix ‘ment,‘ which means action or process. So Ensoulment quite literally refers to the creative process of being infused with Soul.
As such, Ensoulment can be seen as both a present-moment experience and a journey. It’s about learning to live a life more imbued with Soul and it’s also a creative path of embodying your most authentic Self.
Ensoulment is a core part of the spiritual awakening journey and it is the central path of the spiritual wanderer. Another synonym for Ensoulment is Soul retrieval – however, Ensoulment is a philosophy and ongoing lived experience whereas Soul retrieval tends to be a one-off practice.
Note: Originally, Ensoulment was a term with religious connotations, referring to the moment in which a fetus gains a Soul. But that’s not what we’re talking about in this article. Instead, we have intentionally redefined and reimagined Ensoulment to mean the ongoing experience of Soul Initiation.
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The Darkest Pandemic of All Time: Soul Loss
The great malady of the twentieth century, implicated in all our troubles and affecting us individually and socially, is “loss of soul.” When the soul is neglected, it doesn’t just go away; it appears symptomatically in obsessions, addictions, violence, and loss of meaning.
– T. Moore
What is at the root of all our suffering?
This is a question that has haunted the minds of humanity since the dawn of time.
What we’ve learned from religion and spiritual traditions alike is that the core of our torment is rooted deep within human beings.
It is a canker of the Soul. A fragmentation of the psyche. A disturbance of the mind. A severance from nature. A desecration of the very world around us.
All of this pain is rooted within loss of Soul.
When we are cut off from the Soul, we are cut off from each other and the world. It is then that we collapse into a state of fundamentalism, cold rationalism, mechanistic reductionism that sees the world/others as an object to be used and discarded.
When we are severed from the Soul, the human being becomes deranged. Illnesses of every kind begin to emerge, starting within the body as chronic illnesses and eating disorders – ending with mental illnesses, existential crises, paranoia, hatred, suicide, murder, and the psychotic abuse of our most innocent members of society.
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For humanity to heal, we must reconnect with the Soul. We must become Ensouled. For us to reverse, in whatever way possible, the direct path of self-destruction we’re forging right now, we must be initiated into the spiritual path.
We must walk the path of the embodied Mystic or the Bodhisattva – two types of spiritual wanderers.
Ensoulment is the answer to the most severe pandemic of all time, afflicting all people of all races and countries: Soul Loss.
Let this be known. Let this be written in stone. Let this be screamed from the rooftops. Humanity has lost its Soul, and without a move toward Ensoulment, what hope is there for our children’s children to survive in a world that is being laid to waste as we speak?
11 Signs You’re a Spiritual Wanderer
Ensoulment begins with the prefix en – Latin for “in.” So Ensoulment quite literally means being in the Soul or embodying the Divine essence within you.
A spiritual wanderer is a person who is called to live, express, and fulfill the destiny of their Soul.
If you’re a spiritual wanderer, you’ll:
- Sense that you have a specific, meaningful role to play on this planet (perhaps since an early age)
- Intensely crave a purpose-filled life
- Feel depressed when you don’t know or can’t ‘figure out’ your destiny
- Be drawn toward the spiritual or metaphysical realm
- Have undergone a Spiritual Awakening, Kundalini Awakening, and/or Dark Night of the Soul
- Find it hard to fit in or belong in this world
- Feel everything intensely (as a highly sensitive person and/or empath)
- Crave solitude and enjoy introspection
- Often struggle with crises of some sort (such as the midlife or quarter-life crisis, existential crisis, etc.)
- Struggle to find your Soul tribe (likely due to the aforementioned Soul Loss epidemic!) and therefore struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation
- Long to unite with the Divine, God/dess, Life, the Beloved
Our world desperately needs modern spiritual wanderers who rediscover, reclaim, live, breathe and share their Soul’s purpose.
What Happens When We Become Ensouled?
It’s not hard to imagine what Soul Loss looks like – just observe the world around you. Anxiety, depression, addictions, narcissism, violence, and abuse of all kinds define what a soulless society looks like.
An Ensouled human, on the other hand, is much less common. Who is there in this modern day and age, to initiate us into the mysteries and depths of the Soul? The answer is that those who are willing and capable are few and far between. We live in a cultural and societal spiritual desert, after all.
To do Soul Work and to come to a place where one can guide other Souls is a strange calling. It’s not something I ever imagined for myself. I am the daughter of a Christian preacher, but I never imagined myself becoming a Soul guide, a psychopomp guiding seekers into the mysterious waters of their inner selves.
Perhaps my own experience of extreme inner desolation, Dark Night despair, and Soul-longing growing up forged my sensitivity to this global crisis that is largely ignored – and in many cases, not even seen.
Ensoulment, while not typically commonly seen, can be sensed in those who live creative and purpose-driven lives that center not just around their needs but the needs of the collective.
To summarize, here are some qualities that I’ve observed in Ensouled humans:
- Receptivity, humility, and openness
- Creativity and living a life of rich self-expression
- Heartfulness (awe, reference, wonder, enchantment, devotion, compassion)
- Having a strong sense of meaning and purpose
- Knowing and honing one’s unique spiritual gifts
- Intimacy with the present moment
- Greater ability to let go and surrender to a Higher Power
- Feeling connected with other people, the world, and Life itself
- Honoring the power of imagination, symbolism, and innovation
- Orienting to the mysterious, the numinous, and the magic within/without us
- Embracing the Divine as both a transcendent and immanent force
- Moving toward internal integration and balance (Wholeness)
- Connecting with and embodying the Soul
To crystallize what I’ve written above, Ensouled people live with a great sense of creative meaning and purpose, are connected to their hearts, and feel a strong connection with the Divine.
Ensoulment isn’t something we “achieve” or “tick off our to-do list” in the logical linear sense.
Instead, it’s a slow and ambling journey that ebbs and flows. It’s a movement of nature: organic but powerful. And there is no single “finish line” either – Ensoulment is an ever-deepening process. It could be said that Ensoulment is like a thousand-petaled lotus that is both being and becoming, always.
Paths of Ensoulment
How do we become more Ensouled? That’s the next reasonable question.
The answer is that there are many paths, all with their unique gifts and capacities.
I’ve spent over a decade exploring paths of Ensoulment and Soul Communication, and it’s no easy feat to include them all in one article. However, I’ll include the Soul Work paths that come immediately to mind – and you’ll notice that most of them share a single theme: creativity:
Physical Paths:
The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear.
― Daniel Defoe
Emotional Paths:
Love is the nature of the soul.
– John O’Donohue
- Devotion
- Self-love
- Contemplating beauty
- Heart-centered meditation
- Inner child work
Imaginative Paths:
Music and art and poetry attune the soul to God.
– Thomas Merton
- Writing/Journaling
- Drawing/Painting
- Crafting
- Music-making
- Ritual
- Mythology/symbology
- Vision quests
Mental Paths:
There is no coming to consciousness without pain… People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul.
– Carl G. Jung
- Prayer
- Chanting
- Silence
- Lectio Divina
- Meditation
- Dream work
- Mindfulness
- Shadow work
Of course, not all of these paths lead exclusively to Ensoulment.
Gardening, for instance, can easily become a mindless chore if it lacks a sense of creative meaning or contemplative mindfulness. Another example from the above list is chanting, which can become a dead droning of empty words if it isn’t first imbued with heart-centered feeling and depth.
In summary, anything we do in life can be a path of Ensoulment (i.e., Soul Work) – it’s all about your heart’s inner attitude and the meaning you infuse into what you do. However, there do seem to be some specific paths that are more well-suited to intentionally practicing Ensoulment.
Ensoulment is inner archaeology – it helps us to go back to the root of our being.
Choose what resonates with you and leave the rest.
Ensoulment is something that is so close to my heart that it has been my focus for over a decade now – I could even say that this entire website is an expression of my own Ensoulment!
So, why is Ensoulment so painfully vital?
The reason why Ensoulment is so essential is that the world crucially and desperately needs it! We’re suffering from pandemic-proportions of Soul Loss that’s only getting worse, putting us on the fast track to the sixth mass extinction.
We’re not only destroying Mother Nature and the ecosystem, but we’re also experiencing large-scale cultural collapse that is undermining the fabric of our civilization.
We need to think bigger as a race. Whatever we do can’t merely be for the individual – we don’t have that luxury. Our efforts must be directed toward the Whole.
Being true to who we are means carrying our spirit like a candle in the center of our darkness. If we are to live without silencing or numbing essential parts of who we are, a vow must be invoked and upheld within oneself.
– Mark Nepo
I hope what I’ve written here has sparked within you the desire to commit to rediscovering and reconnecting with your Soul’s creative calling. This is the path of the spiritual wanderer, the path of the Bodhisattva. The path that can redeem humanity from its heartbreaking Soul Loss.
Let me know your thoughts and your experience with Ensoulment in the comments below!
Three paths to inner transformation – here’s how I can help you go deeper:
1. The Spiritual Wanderer Course: Are you feeling lost, adrift, and unsure of your life's purpose? Gain clarity, focus, and direction on your inner path by uncovering the five archetypes of awakening within you. Learn how to navigate the highs and lows of your inner journey and chart your unique path with 3+ hours of audio-visual content, workbooks, meditations, and a premium test.
2. Shadow & Light Membership: Do you crave consistent support on your spiritual quest? Receive weekly intuitive guidance and learn to embrace your whole self, including your shadow side. Cultivate deeper self-love with our affordable, personalized support.
3. Spiritual Awakening Bundle: Ready to embark on a profound soul-searching adventure? Dive into our collection of essential transformative resources! Explore five illuminating eBooks and seven in-depth journals, plus unlock two special bonuses to empower your spiritual growth.
From the depths of MY SOUL I am soooooo very grateful for this article!!! I’ve been on a healing journey for lots of years at this point, but within the last couple of years I’ve had the realist level of LIFE, LOVE and ACCEPTANCE for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in EXISTENCE, as my main priority… Seeing the things that I have really valued enough to dedicate myself to the pursuit of sharing my belief system, with everything in existence, as a key level of expressed as HAND DELIVERED PERFECTION, is a true blessing and I am truly humbled to be a part of everything in this movement!!! I believe the things we are truly able to speak on in this world are a major key to the survival of LOVE!! So many things that I have spoken on in regards to my personal belief system, are spoken word for word precisely the same!!! I’m a level of guided speaker of the Divine and this article just had the ability to show me EXACTLY WHY WE LOVE THIS WORLD SO VERY MUCH!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this article!!! It truly brings tears to my eyes to see,… Read more »
I love this site, the writing and teaching from both of you is wonderful. The comments and sharing from others are very enlightening and helpful when I am having a day of struggles. As I have been listening and watching the world fall to pieces, I repeatedly remind myself that not all have fallen into that trap. I take heart when I talk to some of my friends that they have not fallen into the repeated messages of hate and division. Thank you for all you do to keep the spirit alive and involved in this world at a crisis point. Love and beautiful energy to you.
I just wr one this lovely piece, praising both of you and the magnificent work you do. It disappeared – maybe it posted somewhere – who knows. I’ll try and summarize what I said. Brevity is not my strong suite.
I can’t remember how or when I found you. Although I’ve been studying
metaphysics and “the mystery” for over 30 years, I am always surprised about how your work and writing works on me and my Psyche. You have the unique ability to make incredibly important and complex material into beautifully written, accessible information.
In a time of potential “Great Darkness” your light shines right through.
Keep going – you are brilliant, and great integrators, but even more importantly – you are extremely generous. It is such a gift!!
Thank you!! I already get your posts,
Beautiful as always and reminds me why shamans are called the “soul doctors”. Ensoulment, hearing, aligning with my soul, giving it space reclaimed from ego and mind, living its truth has been my conscious path for several years and unconscious for several decades. It started as self improvement, self discovery journey, grew into seeking of happiness, then spirituality. In our time of mind domination, soul is not taken seriously or even considered. Yet many of us would have been so much happier and less alone if they faced their souls. You’ve done an excellent job at describing this path in words and sharing the key tips to get started. Light and love.
Its difficult to articulate just how painfully in need I’ve been for this very type of inspiration. Not only can I relate, but have recently had to pull myself out of my own soul loss that nearly overtook me. I’m in the process of finding within, the desire and motivation to heal. Lately, I’ve realized that ive mentally and spiritually, been holding myself hostage. Imprisoned and paralyzed inside my mind. If you’re unfamiliar, trust me, its horrific. Pity parties and guilt trips don’t compare to this unfortunate throwdown. However, to consider a greater good has helped me break out n reanimate. And remaining true to myself is of great importance to me. It’s the root of who I am, oddly enough. This article has provoked such a positive and hopeful emotional response. I learned about ten years ago what being an empath entailed, relieved to have an explanation for experiencing the emotions of others around me all throughout my life. Now, reading the information you’ve offered has motivated me to continue this journey. Not only for my own soul but aware that there are others that maybe in desperate search of their own. Thank you. I mean that most sincerely.… Read more »
You have no idea what these words mean to me I feel like I have been waiting to hear them my whole life. I’m so grateful, deeply sad, and yet I feel set free.
Thank you,
Thank you so much.
Hi everyone, I think I discovered the site between 2012 – 2014 after my father took his own life in 2008. Shortly after his unexpected passing, I found myself filled with unshakable pain, sorrow and heartache. In between caring for my two small boys and full time functioning, I found myself not wanting to get out of bed in the morning most days. I picked up books after books trying to learn more about human emotions and feelings but nothing seemed to heal my sea of sadness and mountain of sorrow. When I first read the “Dark Night of the Soul” blog, I found myself drawn to the details and messages as if those words, one by one was describing the exact symptoms of “soul loss” that I was experiencing. I’ve read so many articles on this site since that day I discovered this site. At first I read with my mind, I tried to define senses and logic from the mental plane but gradually, the words and messages I absorbed seem to not go straight to my head. I nodded and smiled gently when I saw words and messages that resonated with my inner knowledge. It was like… Read more »
Oh Aletheia, thank you so much for every word of this! So needed, so beautifully crafted. Thanks especially for sharing about your background. Though we will likely never meet, you and Mateo are a precious part of my Soul Tribe and so dear to my heart. Thank you for you!! ☮
Aletheia, this is perhaps the most profound message I’ve read on lonerwolf yet! And I’ve read quite a few. Thank you. You have no idea how much I needed to read these words at such perfect timing.
Great read.. & re-read & yes to all 11 signs,