Understanding the underlying motivations that drive much of our behavior is an essential part of our journeys of inner exploration as lone wolves and spiritual wanderers.
Have you ever wondered why you want, feel, think, and behave the way you do?
By analyzing your unconscious mind, you can dig to the very roots of why you are the way you are.
Jungian Archetypes

It was psychologist Carl Jung who first developed a theory about how the human psyche was structured and organized, and he referred to these inner patterns as “archetypes.”
The word archetype comes from the Greek words archein, which means “original,” and typos, which means “pattern, model, or type.” Therefore, we can understand archetypes as literally original patterns.
In his theory, Jung developed the notion that our minds use “universal images” that lead to distinct psychological behaviors.
These behaviors were individually acquired and inherited from the “collective unconscious” (e.g., past life experiences).
Types of Archetypes
Jung proposed that apart from the Self, Shadow, Anima, Animus, and Persona, there were 12 other commonly found archetypes.
Recently, scholar Dr. Carol S. Pearson and psychologist Dr. Hugh Marr developed a system of self-inquiry based on these universal archetypes to help us find ourselves and transform our paths.
Pearson and Marr named their method the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® (PMAI).
In this psychological archetype quiz, you’ll explore which one of the 12 types you most closely match and “live through.”
Why Take This Archetype Quiz?
This archetype quiz has been carefully created and inspired by the separate works of psychologist Carl Jung and the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® (PMAI).
Finding your psychological archetype can help you to:
- Embark on a journey of self-discovery by learning how to understand yourself and your needs.
- Learn about your personal gifts, core fears, strengths, weaknesses, shadow self, and life goals.
- Guide your life and help you to make aligned decisions that match your inner needs, desires, and dreams.
- Reclaim a sense of personal power and find more individuation.
Take the Psychological Archetype Quiz!

We all possess the twelve archetypes within this test, but some of them are more predominant within us than others.
What psychological archetype is the most dominant in your personality? Find out by taking our free comprehensive Archetype Test below!
(Please note: this test is not at all a PMAI assessment, nor is it a form of PMAI testing, but is, instead, an informal test designed for fun and to help you gain more self-awareness.)
What did you get?
I’d love to hear below!
My psychological archetype is The Creator..
Psychological Archetype: The Orphan. And I AM an orphan :) Interesting.
Type 1: The Perfectionist (Reformer) + The Alchemist +
The Seeker
Please, Mateo sige me some counsel. I feel like it’s so much to take in this blend!
Thank you for your work. It is helping me on my daily journey.
Thanks for your dedication
Thanks for moving on….
Wow, i knew that i was the caregiver and al the posatives i was like,.yeah!rite on! But then i saw the downs…and it was like a smack in the face,its everythingvi hate about others,and its fuckin me! It makes me question sooo much,but can i accept it? I dont kno,i thot my relationship i had for the past two years,she was the narc,but this is truly making me question me,who i am,maybey she wasnt a gaslighting narc,it was me the whole time!!!!!wtf!!! Im totaly spinning rite now,we hav split up for the past month,and i thot i looked deep inside,i owned my wrongs,and my positives,but do i hav it fuckin backwards!!????? Im in a total state of shock and disalusionment,idk where to go,what to do,this really really shattered my reality,do i embrace it and accept and change or am i fuckin wrong again!!?? FUCKING UGH!
As I sat here reading, my heart sinking and I felt like crying. So perseptive, it hit me in the very core of what I’ve been dealing with all my life. Running here and there, trying to find the love I thought I wanted and needed…. I wish now I had more time to find better ways.. this makes me so very sad.
I love the story and i salute
Seeker…I feel it was spot on..what conserns me is the shadow of lonliness and inability to commit. My self exploration is rooted im a desire to connect with others in a healthy way so my fear is and my shadow are my greatest challenge. Help!!