Understanding the underlying motivations that drive much of our behavior is an essential part of our journeys of inner exploration as lone wolves and spiritual wanderers.
Have you ever wondered why you want, feel, think, and behave the way you do?
By analyzing your unconscious mind, you can dig to the very roots of why you are the way you are.
Jungian Archetypes

It was psychologist Carl Jung who first developed a theory about how the human psyche was structured and organized, and he referred to these inner patterns as “archetypes.”
The word archetype comes from the Greek words archein, which means “original,” and typos, which means “pattern, model, or type.” Therefore, we can understand archetypes as literally original patterns.
In his theory, Jung developed the notion that our minds use “universal images” that lead to distinct psychological behaviors.
These behaviors were individually acquired and inherited from the “collective unconscious” (e.g., past life experiences).
Types of Archetypes
Jung proposed that apart from the Self, Shadow, Anima, Animus, and Persona, there were 12 other commonly found archetypes.
Recently, scholar Dr. Carol S. Pearson and psychologist Dr. Hugh Marr developed a system of self-inquiry based on these universal archetypes to help us find ourselves and transform our paths.
Pearson and Marr named their method the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® (PMAI).
In this psychological archetype quiz, you’ll explore which one of the 12 types you most closely match and “live through.”
Why Take This Archetype Quiz?
This archetype quiz has been carefully created and inspired by the separate works of psychologist Carl Jung and the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® (PMAI).
Finding your psychological archetype can help you to:
- Embark on a journey of self-discovery by learning how to understand yourself and your needs.
- Learn about your personal gifts, core fears, strengths, weaknesses, shadow self, and life goals.
- Guide your life and help you to make aligned decisions that match your inner needs, desires, and dreams.
- Reclaim a sense of personal power and find more individuation.
Take the Psychological Archetype Quiz!

We all possess the twelve archetypes within this test, but some of them are more predominant within us than others.
What psychological archetype is the most dominant in your personality? Find out by taking our free comprehensive Archetype Test below!
(Please note: this test is not at all a PMAI assessment, nor is it a form of PMAI testing, but is, instead, an informal test designed for fun and to help you gain more self-awareness.)
What did you get?
I’d love to hear below!
I didn’t mention…I got
The Perfectionist+The Mystic+The Seeker! Lots to work on! Thank you, Gracias, Grazie for these tests & all the enlightening information you guys share! It’s much appreciated!
The Seeker! I’ve gotten The Seeker every time I’ve completed this test on many different sites. I feel this is absolutely accurate! Although, sometimes I feel like The Seeker type suggests that I’m always seeking outwardly. I seek inwardly just as much if not more than I do outside of myself. I feel like there’s just so so much to know & understand about myself, the world, & us collectively! It all seems so enormous & infinite to me! I wanna learn as much as I can so I truly understand all the big questions I have.
It’s very pleasure to meet such a good psychological site. This really tells about my true side.
Seeker! Makes sense for Shadow self to be Perfectionism and Loneliness, lack of commitment. Because a Seeker is like a Nomad. Being tied down to a partner, job etc will eventually make us feel stagnant and dissatisfied.
I have already made peace with Loneliness. In fact , I have scratched off ‘ relationship & friendships ‘ off my goals. Trust me, it’s the most liberating and beautiful place to be
The seeker. It’s why I’m here in the first place heh
The Caregiver. i’m so sad that it’s true. :'( But i got it,i don’t have be a martyr of my ideals.
I got orphan! My therapist said that all the physical violence I received from both parents through the ages of 3-15 most likely had something to do with how depressed I became even though at the time of the abuse, I wasn’t hurt emotionally. I would brush it aside. Once I was beat up so bad that I fell sick for 2 days. My therapist said I was extremely resilient as a child but I guess all that came crashing down when I attempted suicide at the age of 23.
The Perfectionist + The Magician
I just dont feel like this resonates with me very well? I do have a tendency to choose my words and be manipulative in that way but I cannot connect with the rest. I believe that’s because I’ve become way more passive and out of touch with my authentic self, I just remember having so much for fire in me online a few years ago.. and I’m only 20…
Like the spiritual archetype, this psychological archetype also rings true. Thank you for offering these tests.
I absolutely love this site and have asked all my friends to join it,I want to see their results