What do you think of when you hear the word “prayer”? Usually, prayer is something that most of us associate with religion.
I know that when I hear the word “prayer” it instantly takes me back to the dogmatic teachings of my childhood.
I remember sitting in the pew for years upon years listening to the empty, dull, and formulaic repetitions of the preachers. Sitting there silently, the lack of zest, depth, and authentic feeling underneath these “holy invocations” made my skin crawl.
I couldn’t understand why talking to God was so openly pious, but inwardly hollow.
For others, prayer is linked with a chintzy, cute, and immature form of spirituality.
I’m talking about that muffin-baking, holier-than-thou, goodly-housewife-born-again-Christian kinda vibe.
You might also associate prayer with people like Ned Flanders from The Simpsons and his progeny, or those squeaky clean Jehovah Witnesses that knock on your door every now and then.
And still, for some people who don’t come from a Western context, prayer might be associated with Salat (Muslim ritualistic prayer), or even the traditional honor of gods and goddesses.
Whatever background you come from, it’s likely that you need to unpack, reimagine, and rejuvenate your thoughts and beliefs about prayer.
Without being open to changing your definition of prayer, you’ll continue to perceive it through the lens of your religious, cultural, or societal conditioning – and usually, those associations ain’t that great!
I want to invite you to see prayer in a different light, untainted by its somber past. I want to invite you to find the magic in it once more.
Rediscovering the power of prayer has been a humbling yet empowering journey for me. I’d love for you to rediscover its beauty again too.
Table of contents
Prayer and Spiritual Awakening
Before we go any further, I want to start out by saying that prayer doesn’t need to be just a side hustle when it comes to undergoing major life shifts.
Prayer is an ancient practice that deserves a central place in your life.
Whether you’re undergoing a dark night of the soul, existential crisis, or spiritual awakening, prayer is always there for you.
By helping you to let go, practice humility, and get out of your own way, prayer teaches you to align with the core qualities of growth and spiritual healing.
Pretty amazing for such a simple and unassuming path I’d say!
Why the Power of Prayer is so Undervalued
Of all the spiritual gifts and paths out there, prayer is probably one of the most — if not THE MOST — undervalued.
In fact, I will go so far as to say that prayer is rarely even written about in the self-help field. (And I read through a lot of self-help material out there.)
I mean, how many times have you read, heard about, or seen (non-dogmatic-religious people) proclaim the power of prayer? Probably not much.
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Prayer is a black sheep in the spiritual community.
If it’s not associated with bible-bashing and religious extremism, it’s associated with childish new age forms of spirituality.
So you see, prayer always seems to get a bad rap.
But I think one of the main aversions that we have to prayer is our egotism. After all, we are the “do-it-yourself” society.
We currently value self-sufficiency, strength, and power over all else.
For this reason, prayer can be perceived as somewhat “weak” and self-effacing to the modern mind.
Common misconceptions about prayer include:
- The idea that it makes you a failure (because you have to ask for help)
- The belief that you’re not worthy of help in the first place
- The belief that God/Divine/Source is a spiteful, ruthless, and fearsome force, which makes prayer dangerous
- And of course, the multitude of damaging associations with prayer and its murky past
In reality, prayer is often the last thing we resort to when in a crisis. Only after we’ve dried out our last spiritual resources do we think of praying.
The truth is that our lives would change drastically if prayer was the FIRST thing we turned to in a time of need, or even in a moment of gratitude. After all, prayer is a direct bridge to the Divine.
Prayer is also not a “passive” thing, as is so commonly believed.
I held this very belief for a long time. I always thought that saying a few words didn’t really change anything.
In fact, the very act of prayer itself seemed pointless to me, particularly after I left fundamentalist religion. Because of that, I shut myself off to prayer for a long time.
But this mistaken belief about the power of prayer could not be further from the truth. Prayer is actually one of the most active spiritual tools out there.
As author Dostoyevsky once wrote,
Be not forgetful of prayer … prayer is an education.
In other words, not only does prayer open us up to higher guidance, it actually helps us to be receptive to the lessons we most need to learn.
Gifts of Prayer
Prayer has gifted me with so much love and gratitude that I make it my goal to say at least one prayer each day. I have found it to be such an energetic, influential force of change that I can’t do without it!
Here are some gifts of prayer you’ll receive if you incorporate this practice regularly into your life. Some of these benefits are even scientifically backed:
- Increases receptivity and openness to life
- Improves self-confidence
- Enhances feelings of safety and security
- Improves relationships with others
- More mindfulness
- More synchronicity
- More unexpected gifts
- More gratitude
- More forgiveness and self-forgiveness
- More connection with the Divine
- Reduces stress, depression, and anxiety
- Increases feelings of inner wholeness
- Increases trust in self and life
- Induces transcendental experiences of Oneness
As you can see, the power of prayer is immense. It can transform nearly every dimension of your life.
How to Practice the Power of Prayer
The inner voice is something which cannot be described in words. But sometimes we have a positive feeling that something in us prompts us to do a certain thing. The time when I learnt to recognise this voice was, I may say, the time when I started praying regularly.
― Mahatma Gandhi
Here’s how to reimagine and rediscover the magic and power of prayer:
1. Be willing to surrender your previous ideas about prayer
As I mentioned above, you might need to go on a “detox” of your perceptions towards prayer. This ‘cleansing’ process might include deeply examining how you feel about prayer, asking where those beliefs came from, and contemplating how to approach prayer differently.
For me, rekindling my love affair with prayer involved sitting down and thinking about the many mistaken beliefs I carried. Journaling and meditation were great allies in this process, as was practicing Lectio Divina.
You’ll know when you have a healthier relationship with prayer when the very thought of praying no longer makes you internally cringe.
2. Choose another name for “God”
You don’t need to be religious to pray and you certainly don’t need to believe in the “bearded-old-white-guy-in-the-sky” (because come on, that’s an outdated and essentially racist and sexist way of thinking about God!)
For prayer to be powerful, you need to think about what the highest possible good looks and feels like to you.
Choose a name to replace the word “God” that feels comfortable and meaningful to you. Examples include Source, Consciousness, Love, Beloved, Divine, Goddess, Shiva, Allah, etc.
3. Pray for what you need, but also what you’re thankful for
God isn’t a pimp. He/She/It doesn’t give you things because you are His/Hers/Its servant. This is what the majority of religious thought would have us believe.
Surrender the idea that God is anything other than a universal source of complete unconditional love.
Let go of the idea that God is there to punish, control or condemn you.
Tune into what God/Divine actually means to you on a deep, heart-felt, soul level.
The true “sin” here is not in denying the existence of God, the true “sin” is believing that God is even capable of hurting you in the first place.
When you’re praying to God, you’re praying to that boundless, egoless source of love that is your True Nature.
This divine source of purity and peace wants the very best for you.
(If you’ve had a mystical experience before, you’ll know this.)
Prayer is a way of communing with this Divine source. Prayer is essentially a way of allowing the Beloved to fulfill its ultimate desire: for you to be happy, whole, and at peace.
Thanking God/Love/Divine will also increase your gratitude for life tenfold.
The more you find to be thankful for, the happier you’ll feel, and the happier you feel, the more you’re thankful for. It’s a beautiful cycle!
You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.
― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
4. Allow your prayer to come from the heart
This is perhaps the most important piece of advice: pray from the heart.
If you don’t, if you repeat by rote old verses, if you say the same thing over and over again, your prayers will feel dead. Your connection to the Divine will perish (at least consciously).
Instead, when you pray, pray from the soul. You don’t need to speak out loud. In fact, my most heartfelt prayers are said silently. (Feel free to experiment with both out-loud and silent approaches – figure out what works for you!)
Making up prayers as you go is also a much more authentic way to pray.
However, if you find a prayer written by someone else that speaks to your heart, by all means, use it! There are no set-in-stone rules here.
God/Divinity doesn’t care what you say, but how you say it, aka. emotional sincerity is what counts.
Here is a sample prayer:
Dear Beloved, all things in my life are sourced from you. Every blessing I have is because of you. My breath is yours, my mind is yours, my heart is yours, my body is yours, my soul is yours, my spirit is yours. I am yours, and you are mine. Let me embody you in my daily life. Let my life become an expression of your radiance and purity. Help me to surrender what no longer serves me. Help me to know what questions to ask and places to look when I am stuck. I give my trust to you unconditionally. I love you. Amen/so may it be.
At heart, I am a mystic. So all of my prayers are mystical and have an ecstatic quality.
You might have another type of heart: the heart of a musician, artist, architect, or philosopher.
Let your prayers embody whatever comes the most naturally to you.
Reflect on the Power of Prayer
For you to continue praying, it’s crucial that you reflect on the power of prayer in your life.
How has it helped you in times of need or want, even subtly? How has it filled you with more goodness? What changes has prayer brought to your life?
The more you reflect on prayer, the more you’ll realize what an immense force of good it is in your life.
I strongly recommend keeping a journal to help you reflect upon and learn from this grace-filled experience. (Here’s a free guide on how to journal to support you.)
So tell me, what is your relationship with prayer? Has it been tainted by your religious or cultural context? And if you regularly pray, how has the power of prayer transformed your life?
If you need more help, we offer 3 powerful ways to guide you on your inner journey:
1. The Spiritual Wanderer Course: Feeling lost or uncertain about your path and purpose in life? Gain clarity and focus by learning about the five archetypes of awakening within you. Discover your deepest path and purpose using our in-depth psychospiritual map. Includes 3+ hours of audio-visual content, workbooks, meditations, and a premium test.
2. Shadow & Light Membership: Seeking ongoing support for your spiritual journey? Receive weekly intuitive guidance and learn to embrace your whole self, including your shadow side. Deepen your self-love and receive personal support from us.
3. Spiritual Awakening Bundle: Ready to soul search and dive deep? Access our complete "essentials" collection of beloved journals and eBooks. Includes five enlightening eBooks and seven guided journals, plus two special bonuses to further illuminate your path.
But, of course, there is another paradox – if god’s creation isn’t poor quality, why is the world in such mess? … A possible answer: in the long energy work I am doing – with ever bigger faith and trust – I have discovered experientially that every thought and every emotion, no matter how dark and ugly it seems, – if there is calmness, patience, and no fear when dealing with that thought/emotion, when embracing it lovingly – it rather quickly transforms back into the enrgy of love and light. … I have discovered experientially that love and light is truly THE energy, the source energy, from which all thought-forms and emotion-forms arise… So, one can say, the basis of tihis life is goodness, and forms are in fact illusionary, dreamlike. Knowing this, experiencing this, brings a lot of faith and peace. And joy. And compassion. … I’m sorry if what I wrote above sounds harsh and judgmental. I’m sorry if I hurt you. <3
Where to start….. Many of the points Aletheia makes are good ones. Prayer is powerful. It does open us to higher guidance. It is often the last thing we think to do when we are in crisis, and rarely think to do when we are blessed. It isn’t passive. True prayer is an act of the will that engages us in conversation with God. And for most of us, our concepts of prayer, like most concepts of faith, need to be cleaned out and brought into line with the truth. I can understand her feelings about prayer based on her childhood religious experiences. I am sorry for the painful struggling that came from all of that. Due to experiences of my own, I strongly identify with the sense of rote phoniness, dismay, and rejection. I have seen religiousness in a large variety of churches and denom-inations my entire life. I have also seen true, sincere belief and devotion – many times in those same places. To reject seeing a loving God because of the broken-ness of the people, doctrine, and systems is to focus on those instead of putting the focus on Him. Any time we look to people for… Read more »
This is a great piece of
peace…congratulations for your inspiring and illuminating words you keep sharing. Anytime after I finish praying…I feel calm and feel accepted… it’s like sharing your compliments or worries to a trusted source that no human can use it against you.. prayer like you said it’s not just a spiritual tool but also a scientific way of feeling calm…
Thank you every much for sharing and activating our prayer life…
Thanks Aletheia, like you I love to pray. I find prayer, uplifting, illuminating, humbling, profound and (in your word) energetic. I cannot live without praying each and every day of my life – its gratitude. So much of “life” on this planet to be thankful for; and so much to ask forgiveness for, just look around, but we are all here, on this planet, together. And that, deserves prayer. Love “the work” of Service you both provide.
Wow, this was such an eye opening read!!!! Thanks for sharing this! I haven’t been praying, exactly for the reasons mentioned above. But this opened my eyes to remember the “magic” that flowed from prayers in the past. And that prayer isn’t about being religious, but about the connection with God. And that it can be an authentic connection free of dogmatic, religious rules and regulations. This was so freeing to read. Thank you!!!
Very, very, very good written
I pray daily but currently, I just say the “Our Father in Heavens…” prayer that was taught to us by Jesus Christ with as much feeling as I can muster. For some reason, I didn’t really feel comfortable with making up my own prayer. But I got the impulse now to experiment with more spontaneous prayer, I will probably transform my morning gratitude journaling into a morning gratitude prayer, that’s the first idea that came to mind now. And will see where I go from there.
Hello , I love this Article on Prayer { Religious Spirit } Something I Find Very Much Real.!! Born in mid 70’s and Too this very Day , So much has ( Happened , Happening , ) CHANGE – AND MORE CHANGES , especially in The Spiritual Aspect of how – The World, Churches , Social Media , Society , ETC:.. I myself Was caught up in Confusion , Addiction , Etc.. Really Hard to Explain , But Just about my whole life – I’ve been in and out Rehabilitation Centers ( Christian Centers to help with Recovery ) Non-profit So you could imagine There were so many and with that being said , I was subject to ALOT of different Religious teaching and What is right and Wrong , So much It has left me , So Confused, Lost, Questioning Whether Or not I’m Doin this wright or wrong ( I say , living by Law or Condemnation ) In which makes life very Difficult to live.!! I now as an adult Question Myself, my motives , am I right or wrong , Sensitive , Lost , Confused , A Lot of people say that ( IM MY OWN… Read more »
Prayer is the universal way for all this world to reach out to the intangible, invisible, and to most but a few the inner space, the Spirit Soul and its ultimate coreGod/Source/Super Soul or Universal Essence. The core being super refined and to most of us beyond our present comprehension. As we are limited to only perceive God/Source via the mind and in some sense feel this presence from the inner selves. Namaste! Within this sphere called the World or Gaia, we perceive the four main pillars of Religion, plus those not mainstream. Like those who follow Wicca, Druids, Celts, or ancient practices from Lemuria and Atlantis, or the Black Arts and Magic. The earliest being I believe is the Animist cults. The degree and use of incantations, meditations, vocalizations, mantras, and many other verbal and visual displays all harness the focus /intention and powers of energy and place. All focus on a particular approach to perceiving the power of inner space and how that empowers the users to create and reach their own style/rites of place and intention. Of seeing either the Dark Hearted side or the Light Side of Soul Source and peace. As these approaches are gainfully… Read more »
I use a mix of meditation, a Buddhist prayer, and a Māori waiata (song) about being washed clean/freed by the elements whenever I can’t sleep. If I find myself mindlessly saying the words I repeat them so I take on the meaning. I can lie there for an hour or two not sleeping or I can sit up for quarter to half an hour doing this and then happily fall asleep. It doesn’t really matter what tradition your prayers come from. It’s just a different cultural interpretation of the same thing; of calming your thoughts, clearing your mind, clearing disturbed or angry thoughts and focusing on love, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance.