The only way to get over the pain is to face it, embrace it, hug it and learn the lessons embedded within it.
― Adele Theron
All of us, in some way or another, have experienced the stab of rejection, betrayal, neglect, bullying, and even humiliation at the hands of another.
But at what point does being emotionally hurt turn into becoming emotionally traumatized?
What is Emotional Trauma?
Emotional trauma occurs when you are exposed to a situation that is so extreme (e.g., horrendous betrayal from a loved one, the suicide of someone, etc.) that the body, heart, and mind struggle to handle the intense emotions that come with such a shocking experience.
As a result, the body-mind system tends to enter a freeze state, which is characterized by feelings of numbness, dissociation from reality, and the sudden or eventual appearance of intense symptoms like chronic anxiety, depression, addictions, PTSD, or other life-disrupting patterns.
Emotional trauma can also happen due to ongoing situations, such as being bullied, being trapped in an environment (such as in childhood) in which your sense of self-worth was destroyed or diminished, being repeatedly betrayed, treated cruelly, judged negatively, made fun of, and so on.
Experiencing abandonment trauma as a child is also a widespread form of emotional trauma.
Four Components of Trauma
Trauma is not what happens to us. But what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.
— Peter A Levine, PhD
According to psychotherapist and pioneer of Somatic Experiencing®, Peter Levine, there are four aspects of trauma that will be present, in some way, in all traumatized people:
- Hyperarousal (i.e., being overly alert and on guard)
- Constriction (i.e., tense body)
- Dissociation (i.e., disconnection from the here and now)
- Freezing (immobility), associated with the feeling of helplessness
I’ll be using these four components of trauma as a basis for the emotional trauma test below.
Emotional Trauma, Inner Work, and Spiritual Wellbeing
Discovering our level of emotional trauma is a crucial part of inner work, which is:
… the psychological and spiritual practice of diving deep into your inner self for the purposes of self-exploration, self-understanding, healing, and spiritual transformation.
{What is Inner Work?}
When we work to heal, resolve, or integrate the emotional trauma we carry, a tremendous amount of inner energy is freed up which allows us to grow and blossom in unimaginably beautiful and profound ways.
Healing emotional trauma, therefore, is a vital part of our awakening journeys of Soul Work as spiritual wanderers.
We often embark on this healing quest in stages five and six of the spiritual wanderer’s journey.
Emotional Trauma Test
Healing doesn’t mean the pain never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.
– K. Salmansohn
The free emotional trauma test below isn’t meant to ‘diagnose’ you in any way. It’s simply a tool you can use to shed more light on your inner landscape.
Please use this test simply as a doorway to introspection and further action, not as a set-in-stone analysis of your character or what happened in your life.
Whatever result you get is not the absolute truth, and if you feel like it’s wrong, that is totally fine, because it might be!
Trust in your gut and your inner knowing above all else – this test only attempts (in an imperfect way) to provide you with some potential insight and healing pathways.
If, at any point, you feel uncomfortable during the process of taking this test, please step away, seek out support, grounding, and centeredness immediately. Only return to this test when you feel safe inside.
What did you get?
If you’re comfortable, I welcome you to share your results in the comments. You never know who might feel comforted by your words or presence.
Need more help? See my popular Self-Love Journal and Inner Child Work Journals if you’d like some compassionate support for working through these wounds.
Medium level of emotional trauma. This quiz was very helpful to me in ways of showing me where to focus on myself in order to heal and progress on my journey.
High level of emotional trauma. I know it’s true as I have been diagnosed with MDD-severe. I don’t feel like I’ll ever have a real relationship of any kind again. The two people I’ve felt I had that truly accepted and never judged me have both passed away. I’m not close to anyone anymore, but sometimes I wonder if I ever really was and do I know what real, true love even is.
Thanks to these teachings, I have gone from High Level of Trauma, to low level of trauma, in less than a year. Thank you again, for your wisdom.
It’s way to true High Emotional trama
High level of emotional trauma
Even if you were a psychology by profession- you still need this. it helps me a lot.💚
#Medium level of emotional trauma
High level of emotional trauma
high Level emotional trauma 😔
Expected that, High level of emotional trauma which also explains the inner child needing to feel safe. I am attempting to do more grounding practices. I enjoy yoga and love dancing and expressing through dance, but space and time is constricting me. I am working in more creative practices like beading coloring and sketching. Having some trouble with the journalling part and I used to journal all the time.
When in a situation where emotions well up from the inner depths of my being, it is like an unblocking/uncorking of a very tight old bottle that has not opened for some time. Often I misinterpret this emotion or feeling as unwanted, or too revealing of my inner person and attempt to stem the flow or replace the cork before others see what is happening. As it is seen in this man’s world as a weakness or unmanly to let these emotions out to play for a while.
Triggers include family-style movies where a young person has to cope despite the loss, abuse, or other factors that make one yearn for something better for that person’s character, like a happy ending or a better solution to their problems.
Other times when discussing memories of growing up in my family with my wife
(past family blocks and emotions) trigger new levels of locks to discover and bring
on emotions in both of us. With appreciation of what we have now as something better. 🙃