They say life is a “journey”, a “school” and is here to teach us “important lessons”. But why?
Have you ever considered the possibility that the lessons we learn and wisdom we accumulate in this life, extends into other lives? Is it perhaps possible that our life is not the only journey of experience, advancement and maturing – but the whole of conscious existence is?
Is it possible that reincarnation, also known as metempsychosis, is responsible for the tremendous range of world views, instinctual drives and essential life decisions we make?
What makes us so different from one another? What makes one person wise beyond their years, another driven by power, and another childlike, despite their age?
Regardless of whether you believe in, or entertain the possibility of reincarnation or not, you will find that the following Soul Ages theory applies to the vast variety of people in your life.
Table of contents
What Exactly is a “Soul Age”?
According to the Soul Age theory, man doesn’t have simply one shot at living and learning. He has multiple lifetimes in which to grow, learn and mature.
Soul Ages are based on the different levels of advancement a soul obtains throughout its reincarnational journey (inspired by the Michael’s teachings framework). As a person progresses through the hierarchy, paying off karma as he or she advances, it is said that he or she is free to return to universal and infinite consciousness at the end, achieving final liberation.
Some call this the state of “nirvana”, others “heaven” and others “paradise”.
The 5 Soul Ages
Understanding the different levels people exist on is a useful way of developing empathy, understanding and insight. Also, these are all essential keys to enhancing the connection we have with our souls through inner work.
Below are the 5 Soul Ages in order from ‘beginner’, to ‘intermediate’, and then to ‘advanced’. You’ll also discover the sixth Soul Age which transcends all others: the Elder Soul.
1. Infant Souls
Primary Focus: Being alive.
Lessons To Learn: Basic life skills, survival, mortality, physicality.
Age Comparison: 0 – 4
Key Characteristics: Raw, untamed, playful, excitable, unsophisticated, tribal, cautious, childlike, group-reliant, hunter-gatherers.
Also known as Newborn Souls, these people are often perceived by others as being ignorant, childish and innocent to the complexities of life. Possessing a very simplistic understanding of life, and a genuinely guileless approach to the world, Newborn Souls find it hard to adapt to ‘civilized society’. Instead, they prefer familiar clans, tribes and groups of people in wild, untamed environments. If this sounds like you, take the Infant Soul Test.
2. Baby Souls
Primary Focus:Â Belonging.
Lessons To Learn: Social structure, rules, roles, human relations.
Age Comparison: 4 – 13
Key Characteristics: Compliant, regimented, dutiful, role-defined, absolutist, disciplined, traditional, strong values.
Also known as Child Souls, these people seek to make meaning, order and stability out of the chaotic and uncertain nature of life. Perceived by other people as being clean, modest and rigid, Child Souls tend to be very conservative, religious and rule-bound. The Child Soul’s beliefs and senses of self are defined by their culture and traditional moral or religious system. If this sounds like you, take the Baby Soul Test.
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3. Young Souls
Primary Focus: Independence.
Lessons To Learn: Personal-advancement, free will, personal-achievement.
Age Comparison: 13 – 29
Key Characteristics: Ambitious, competitive, innovative, material gain, enterprise, freedom, individualism, self-centered, self-expression.
Also called Teenage Souls, these people often live by the maxim “my way or the highway”. The Teenage Soul, similar to an adolescent, seeks independence, social status and material gain. Essentially, these people are agents of change and are responsible for many of the greatest advancements in the world. Driven and externally focused, Teenage Souls tend to be “workaholics”. If this sounds like you, take the Young Soul Test.
4. Mature Souls
Primary Focus: Interpersonal harmony.
Lessons To Learn: Empathy, psychological stability, interdependence, self-awareness, relationships.
Age Comparison: 29 – 55
Key Characteristics: Sensitive, inquisitive, neurotic, diplomatic, introspective, egalitarian, cooperative.
Also known as Adult Souls, these people enter life seeking interpersonal and psychological harmony. Adult Souls are often perceived as being neurotic but caring. Focusing on the inner world, these people often struggle with the complexities and subtleties of life. The mature soul is liberal, relationship-orientated and visionary. Life is no longer about survival, role-filling or material gain for the Adult Soul, but about understanding, empathy and camaraderie. If this sounds like you, take the Mature Soul Test.
5. Old Souls
Primary Focus: Spiritual fulfillment.
Lessons To Learn: Non-attachment, autonomy, wise counsel, spiritual awareness.
Age Comparison: 56+
Key Characteristics: Solitary, spiritual, detached, philosophical, humanitarian, tired, unmotivated, empathetic.
Right at the end of the reincarnational cycle comes the Old Soul. Having already experienced the previous 4 stages of existence, the Old Soul has a well-rounded knowledge of society, relationships and the world at large. At this point, the Old Soul finds day to day life very uninteresting, and little can surprise or compromise their self-assurance. Relaxed and philosophical about life, Old Souls radiate depth, calmness and wisdom. The Old Souls focus is on self-actualization and self-fulfillment. To the Old Soul, life is an interconnected tapestry – one of which they strive to become One with. If this sounds like you, take the Old Soul Test.
6. Elder Souls
Elder Souls are the completion of the Soul Age cycle. An Elder Soul is an Awakened Being who has gone through a spiritual awakening and reunited with and embodied his or her True Divine Nature. In our society, we often refer to Elder Souls as “enlightened” or “spiritual Masters.” Read more about Elder Souls.
Although most people don’t fit strictly within each category, often overlapping others, many people tend to inhabit one Soul Age more than the other.
Which Soul Age are you? I’d love to know below!
Three paths to inner transformation – here’s how I can help you go deeper:
1. The Spiritual Wanderer Course: Are you feeling lost, adrift, and unsure of your life's purpose? Gain clarity, focus, and direction on your inner path by uncovering the five archetypes of awakening within you. Learn how to navigate the highs and lows of your inner journey and chart your unique path with 3+ hours of audio-visual content, workbooks, meditations, and a premium test.
2. Shadow & Light Membership: Do you crave consistent support on your spiritual quest? Receive weekly intuitive guidance and learn to embrace your whole self, including your shadow side. Cultivate deeper self-love with our affordable, personalized support.
3. Spiritual Awakening Bundle: Ready to embark on a profound soul-searching adventure? Dive into our collection of essential transformative resources! Explore five illuminating eBooks and seven in-depth journals, plus unlock two special bonuses to empower your spiritual growth.
Infant/baby soul suits me best :3 I don’t even feel like I’m 28 years old and that I slowly have to give up on anything youth offers. Or maybe I’m an Elder soul that realised that I should not care about stuff and just enjoy the life.
I feel I’m an older soul now. It feels like I arrived here as a younger soul that has had accelerated growth this time round. I have experienced lots of learning (formal and informal); lots of challenges (personal and professional); lots of living in lots of places around the planet (like I’ve lived so many lives already). Last few years between 2 lives on opposite sides of the planet I feel like a time traveller. Time has no meaning or has taken on a different meaning now. I have been told I have longevity and I’m here to help others heal. I had to learn that for myself here firsthand first. My recent realisation is my foremost focus is on completion (identifying my purposes here and ticking that list – regardless of what the world keeps trying to distract me with).
Before I read the article I asked my body, which revealed the number “5”.
I had no idea what to expect. Apparently it turns out I am an Old Soul.
That explains why I was such a precocious child. I was wise beyond my years and I do recognize myself in the description.
“Unmotivated by/uninterested in the mundane matters of life.”
And Self-Actualization & Self-Fulfilment are indeed the main focus of my life.
I’m an old soul. Which doesn’t surprise me in the least… lol. Tbh ever since I could remember I was ready to be finished through several events in life. Almost like “Not Again!?”
I do enjoy life, but Lord knows I have no desire to come back after this cycle. Lol
I remember my first day at school and thinking “what am I doing here”, which was really just a metaphor for my whole life. I scored 85 on the old soul test but really – it all comes down to honesty about oneself and knowing oneself to answer accurately & truthfully. Some people are just really good at doing tests! As an empath, I quite like some people but find life generally a lot less complicated without too many of them around me. Best wishes to you all.
I think I’m in between a mature soul and an old soul. I have a mix of both. For the last 2 years or so I’ve been on a spiritual quest to find and center myself, to be more mindful in everyday life, and to learn to love myself because I have been so hard on myself and often felt as though I was unworthy. Oddly enough, one of the tests on this website said my life’s purpose was to learn to love myself so there must be some truth to this drive. I’ve always been introverted, I value time alone to be introspective, I’m a thinker and I really enjoy meditating but it’s hard because I am always thinking/daydreaming/reflecting so quieting my mind is a challenge sometimes. I have a huge heart and I’m very compassionate towards animals, nature, and I am very much a humanitarian; the funny thing is I don’t like volunteering because it means I need to be social (see introversion above), but I love donating things and money and supporting all different kinds of causes. I don’t have many friends, this used to bother me, but I’ve come to terms and accepted that I don’t… Read more »
I’m so glad to have found this. At a young 23 years of age I’ve found myself thinking a lot about the bigger picture of life. What it means to live and be here on this earth. The life cycle itself. Life after death. Just some things that I feel are much larger than I, and can sometimes be troubling. At moments like this I often wonder why do I think like this? I’ve often wondered about reincarnation and souls and have felt a deep connection with the topic. I took the test and found that I am a mature soul. Interesting, but makes sense! I thank you for this and look to continue exploring this further.
I am an old soul. I rarely find someone who appreciates & can handle my authentic self. I often find myself wishing to be home or as far from “town” as possible. I wore a mask & externally followed a culturally accepted path while internally following a spiritual journey that got me labeled as a heretic by family, various religions and friends. At 50 (I’m now 54) I reinvented myself and began living externally the path my soul & spirit demand. I drive a pilot car on the Alaskan ice roads during the winter, off-pavement in summer, and support our state’s fire service. I’m rarely somewhere with cell service, don’t have cable or a home phone. I have one friend whom I suspect is my twin flame. We have the fire, passion, acceptance, and that curious attached non-attachment so common to ‘flames. Nor are we able to part ways. It’s too painful. We are not a couple; neither of us want that. We have something unlabeled & outside social boxes but it works for us. We heal each other by simply being in one another’s company. We each seek & revel in soul-nourishment in the wilderness together yet separate. We… Read more »
I’ve always felt both separated and in tune with things. As in, yes, I’m here, I exist, but sometimes, so to speak, it’s like I’m speaking a dead Chinese dialect and everyone else speaks Mandarin! Yes, on a basic level, on a grammar level (all Chinese dialects use the same written language, that’s why it’s my example), we can understand each other just fine, but on a higher level we’re still in completely different places. My worries are on an existential and humanity level–what is happening, why is there so much bad in the world, why do we do the things we do if we’re so ~advanced~ and ~civilized~ like we pride ourselves as a species on? Meanwhile those around me (I go to beauty school), even those I’ve talked to intimately about their deepest thoughts, don’t have those widespread, global worries. And I’ve a knack for divination on an energy level–it’s just the physical means I use that I have trouble with. I use tarot cards and often have to look back to the book that came with my deck, but the cards pulled are always, always the cards needed. And because of my readings I’ve gotten to know… Read more »
Well, I am 55 and I scored in the mature group, which according to the ages given, that is where I was ‘supposed’ to land. I would agree totally that my empathy for the suffering of animals and people is one of my key characteristics, I have not always been know to be the queen of diplomacy, but have gotten way better at it since I am older, but internally I feel so much like a scared unloved child, as that was how I came into the world and have stayed stuck there, and my spirit is very much of a silly 16 year old girl. So parts of me are empathetic, kind, justice loving, fair minded, friendly and helpful, but I still view myself as a small scared child afraid of the world or a silly teenage girl. Easier to believe as I have no gray hair or wrinkles, due to taking care of myself my whole life. I am just Liz from Brooklyn and won’t sweat all the labels.