Mystics, sages, poets, holy people, and shamans throughout the ages have always known that the soul doesn’t speak the human language.
Instead, the soul communicates with us through symbols, metaphors, archetypes, poetry, deep feelings, and ordinary magic. The human language is far too limiting to express the full spectrum of profound knowledge, insight, and revelation that the soul has to share.
The reality is that most of us were never taught to tune into the sacred and wild voice of our deepest essence. Unfortunately due to our social conditioning, we have come to heavily rely on the mind only and its interpretation of reality instead.
As a result of this mechanistic emphasis on hard data, facts, and linear logic, most of us feel a gaping hole left inside of us.
To avoid the pain of this empty inner chasm, we fill this empty hole with consumerism, addictions, violence, and endless distractions.
Sometimes, a traumatic or extreme event in our lives shakes us out of our habitual way of perceiving existence. But usually, most of us tend to miss the big glaring daily signs that our soul is trying to communicate with us.
Not only that, but we tend to actively mistrust, ignore or doubt any sacred form of communication that we receive from the soul due to our busy, over-scheduled, and hyper-stimulating lives.
How can we begin to tune into this subtle inner voice and rewire our conditioned brains? How can we listen to our soul’s vital messages and nourish ourselves with its life-changing wisdom?
Table of contents
Soul Communication: 7 Crucial Signs to Look Out For
What you seek
is seeking you.
– Rumi
Soul communication isn’t just reserved for medicine men or women, sages, mystics, or poets; it is a birth right of every person on this planet. It is a vital part of inner work.
For years I lived without the guidance of my soul, actively ignoring it or numbing myself out from its voice. Since reconnecting with my soul, I have discovered that it offers endless gifts, insights, teachings, and direction that helps me to connect with my innate wholeness and life purpose.
Observing the people in our society, I’m saddened to see how soulfully emaciated we are.
I can immediately tell whether a person has got in touch with their soul or not by the sparkle in their eyes and the type of energy they transmit.
Dissolve the shadows that obscure your inner Light in this weekly email-based membership! Perfect for any soul seeker serious about practicing ongoing shadow work and self-love.
Unfortunately, most people are shells of what they truly are at a deep level. It’s almost like we’re living our lives grabbing at whatever source of warmth we can scavenge when in truth, we are the fire and warmth we’re seeking for.
If you’d like to learn soul communication, you need to first pay attention to the subtle and synchronious signs that your soul is trying to speak with you.
There are many types of signs that your soul is trying to connect with you, but below I have compiled some of the main ones to look out for:
1. Dream signs
In the west, psychologists believe that dreams are the unconscious mind’s way of making sense of reality. But in ancient cultures, such as in Egypt and Greece, dreams were messages from the spirits, gods, or divine realm. Many indigenous cultures have also used dreams as a gateway to higher consciousness and revelation (e.g., native peoples of America).
These days, most psychologists and spiritual healers agree that dreams express important messages and truths about our lives and destinies. In my experience, dreams can serve as doorways to deep revelations, reflections of true inner feelings, and even offer portals to interacting with our spirit guides.
Pay attention to your dreams and the images, symbols, and scenarios within them. What stands out to you? You might like to keep a dream journal and record your immediate impressions.
Please note that dream dictionaries can sometimes help you out, but they rarely convey the true message your dream is trying to transmit to you. Why? Dreams and the archetypes/symbology within them are highly contextual and personal. A snake, for instance, could be a positive sign for one person, and a negative sign for another. So pay attention to your own interpretations first and foremost; they are the most accurate.
2. Lucid dreams
Spontaneous lucid dreams involve suddenly becoming aware that you’re dreaming while asleep.
Becoming conscious within your dream world is not only spiritually symbolic (literally of “waking up”), but it is also an opportunity to explore the hidden realm of your unconscious mind. This opportunity from your soul is rare, however for some, lucid dreaming is a natural gift (if so, I’m jealous!).
How do you lucid dream? The key is to practice it a little every day. You can start with a question like “Am I dreaming right now?” and then notice signs that you’re awake during the day (e.g., is the clock moving normally, can you feel your feet? etc.).
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The more you get into the habit of asking this question, the more likely you are to transfer this question into your dream and use it as a trigger to wake up. There are many, many other lucid dreaming techniques, so check out my how to lucid dream article for more guidance.
If you manage to get into the habit of having lucid dreams, treat it as a sacred gift. Very few people have access to the depths of the unconscious realms in such a direct way. Treat it as an opportunity to ask yourself questions and find direction that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to access in waking life.
3. Repetitive words or numbers
How many times have you looked at the clock and seen “11:11,” “12:12,” “13:13”?
Many skeptics say that putting importance into repetitive words and numbers is a reflection of something called “confirmation bias,” but I personally don’t believe this is the case. It’s easy to be cynical and use the left-brained approach, but much harder to explore the equally important personal and subjective meaning of these experiences.
Regardless of the meaning we assign to repetitive words and numbers, the function of them is to momentarily “wake us up.” Otherwise, why would we give them so much significance? Whenever I see a repeated number or hear a name/word said constantly, I take it as a sign of soul communication.
So whenever you hear a picture, word, or number repeated, ask yourself, what is the hidden message here? What does my soul want me to know?
4. Animal omens and guides
Most of us come across animals every day. When you pay attention to the different animals that cross your path, you’ll realize that each one of them has a specific teaching, message, or energy type.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that the meaning you assign to different animals is highly personal and not necessarily the “orthodox” meaning already established out there. So don’t feel the need to go by the “textbook” definition. Go with your gut.
One way of discovering your own unique meanings is to observe what animals you constantly come across every day. Watch them and try to understand what their teachings are. What are they revealing? How do they behave, move or sound? This is a powerful form of soul communication.
For example, you might constantly come across crows. Watching these crows, you might realize that they are always very loud and agitated. The message you might assign to these animal messengers could be that you need to pay more attention to the emotions you have suppressed so that they can be released.
5. Synchronicity or serendipity
Have you ever had a string of events happen in a way that seemed special or out of the ordinary? You might refer to these events as “serendipity” when in fact they may have been something known as “synchronicity.”
What is synchronicity? Synchronicities are moments of meaningful coincidence, where our inner and outer worlds align.
Often synchronicity is a good way to tell that you are on the right soul path because everything feels as though it is unfolding without your conscious effort: you are “in the flow.” You might even have the sensation that Life/Spirit is playing an active hand in making your dreams or aspirations come true.
It is my personal belief that nothing happens by chance, and coincidence is an illusion. I believe, at a core soul and spirit level, that everything is interconnected. It was Einstein who said that, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”
So watch out for moments of synchronicity — they are powerful reflections that you’re on the right path and are connected with your soul.
6. Gut feelings
A gut feeling is an sudden inexplicable sensation that tells you to do (or not do) something. Another synonym that some use for this phrase is the word intuition. We all know what intuition is, but most of us have trouble listening to it because we confuse it with the mind’s fearful voice.
Intuition is different from the mind’s inner voice of fear because it is subtle, calm, and centered, as opposed to being frantic, loud, or aggressive. This is a very important distinction to make. Many people believe they are being guided by intuition when, in fact, they are being guided by their fearful inner talk.
Intuition, or gut feelings, can be thought of as the voice of our soul communicating to us. Whenever you feel drawn towards something or someone (without loud and frantic inner talk), you can be sure that this is your soul trying to guide you.
7. Visions during meditation
Meditation is another way to experience soul communication. When you enter into that calm, spacious, and loving space within, you will find it easier to feel a sense of ensoulment.
Meditating for long periods of time (30 minutes or more) is a powerful way to experience what has been referred to as the mystical experience and even energetic shifts known as kundalini awakening – which are both tastes of not only soul connection, but often a liberated non-dual state of no-self.
One common form of mystical experience involves tuning into visions or spontaneous names while you’re meditating. These visions or names might be of your current spirit guide or they could directly be a message from your soul.
I’ve even had people tell me that they’ve received unknown songs or melodies during meditation. Personally, I have experienced spontaneous visions and words.
But how can you tell apart normal mental chatter from visions, names, or songs from your soul? Typically, the images you see or words you hear will have a specific theme that seems foreign (e.g., it sounds like it could be from an ancient culture, another time or place, or has some kind of unusual quality about it), and they will often be very repetitive. You’ll also have the sensation that somehow they are important for you to pay attention to.
I recommend keeping a meditation journal to record these visions, images, words, or songs. This will help you to better articulate what your soul is trying to express.
If you’re wanting to learn more about the power and potential of journaling, see my free guide on how to journal.
How to “Speak” to Your Soul
There are many ways for you to actively communicate with your soul, but that is for another article. In the meantime, I recommend simply saying a daily prayer.
Here is an example you could use, or build on yourself:
“Dear soul, I love you. Thank you for supporting my life. I’m so honored and appreciative of your presence. If you have any messages for me, please communicate them to me. I am open and receptive. I welcome your guidance.”
See how you go with this prayer and ensure that you pay attention to any emotional, physical, or mental sensations that arise.
Another simple and low-effort practice is to spend time in solitude – even for just a few minutes. Solitude is sacred, and it can reveal the deepest mysteries of your authentic self if you dare to listen.
Being in nature is another way to “speak” to your soul – or rather, let your soul speak to you through the rustling of the leaves, the wind through the trees, the clouds, birds, sunshine, and rain.
Journaling and creating art are another way to create an ongoing dialogue between you and your soul. Like all of the above practices, writing and drawing are immensely healing in and of themselves, helping you to stay grounded in the present moment and attuned to your inner voice.
Read: 5 Practices For Being Present (+ One Major Pitfall to Avoid)
You and Your Soul Are Inseparable
I’ve had to refer to your soul as an almost “other being” in this article primarily for those new to the spiritual journey.
When we think of the soul, we see it as a “higher” part of us that is almost unreachable or can only be accessed when everything is perfectly still and serene in our external world.
But the reality is that you and your soul are inseparable. The separate sense of self (also known as the ego) that you are identified with tends to think that the soul is “out there.” But remember that the soul is right here, right now.
The soul is your deepest essence – it is Spirit embodied in a unique form that is you. When practicing soul communication, just realize that it’s really quite simple. Your soul isn’t as “unreachable” or “out-of-touch” as what your mind might believe, it is always and already here, just obscured by the mind’s chatter.
Even if you don’t currently feel connected with your soul, know that it’s still here, for without it you wouldn’t be alive!
Connecting with your soul is simply about finding more ways to tune into the present moment. Be open, be receptive, and keep it simple. And remember what the mystic Rumi said: “What you seek is seeking you” – why else do you think you’re reading this article?
I hope that you’re now more aware of the deep craving of your soul to make itself known to you, and understand soul communication better.
Deep down, we all crave for Oneness and wholeness. By learning the language of your soul, you can open a sacred doorway to the connectedness, joy, peace, and fulfilment that is your birthright.
If you were interested in further reading to supplement this guide, see my article on the power of Soul Work – the path of embodying unconditional love.
Any thoughts or questions? I’d love to hear them below!
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1. The Spiritual Wanderer Course: Need "big picture" direction, clarity, and focus? Our Spiritual Wanderer course is a crystallization of 10+ years of inner work, and it can help you find your deeper path and purpose in life as a spiritual wanderer. You get 3+ hours of audio-visual content, workbooks, meditations, a premium test, and more!.
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Some how i can’t get it anymore what and whom. all happened even lucid dreams ( still) and Synchronicities and signs etc , but now works even what I would like to have a love I even met one time ( long ago ) my same soul person and was left …tried to see find date but nothing does ..even now I write this its there ( songs ) but ???so I go more and more on my won nearly no friends ( what are friends hey) and today’s societies ( even the gay way is corrupted ) but I am whom I am cant change and wont. but why ? lol btw alone not lonely and no fear . love my own fam and will . greets. btw .
I am confused. I understand the idea that everything I ever need is already within me. I like this. I makes me feel I am enough. The most peace I have ever felt is in the company of others. My soul guided me to them. I felt bliss & highest connection with you universe, with me. Now, I feel more me, than I have ever felt when in company of those who nourish my soul. I don’t know if this is right. Can I have these soul experiences on my own? Am I incomplete?…because my spirit soars higher & effortlessly in sacred soul environments? It is confusing to know, how much of me I can manifest on my own. And when is it time to surrender to one another for soul communication with me? Can my soul overcome & be free in oppressive environment? Are these people & places, names, coincidences merely evocations, or are they real connections, our spirits crave to be nourished? Specific places on Earth are highly spiritual. There are groups & workshops to take soul journeys, coming together of minds, release of ego & soul enlightenment can be accessed. My question is – can my soul… Read more »
I recently woke with the word funz in my mind. I’d never even heard of this word before, but I googled it and found it means “fun hunting”, or getting the most fun out of an already fun situation. Interestingly this applies both to my work- in which I’m trying to design exhibitions that are more fun- and my life in which I can tend sometimes to be too serious and intent upon getting stuff done instead of just enjoying the limited time I and those around me have left on this earth.
I always felt my soul is my only life partner, everyone and everything else outside of you are here to support you along the way, but will come and go at some stage.🙏
This came the day after I had a dream that I knew was a soul message. I see 1111 and 111 so much.
Thank you so much for the work you do. Your posts are always beautifully written and uplift my spirit. You keep me company in this journey <3
Recently I woke up suddenly from a dream with the words still ringing in my ear as though they were spoken aloud; ‘the current is lively’, was what was said. I felt confused and bewildered because I knew I had heard this distinctly and awoke instantly, but didn’t know what it meant. I know I have been feeling a closeness with spirit in recent months, hard to describe, and so I think I was being told the energy between me and spirit is growing stronger.
i feel just empty like there was synchonicities and it was nice and then things went veri negative and i didnt take any step in life i guess and barely any sync and zero clue what universe wants now, but it feels like im losing any enjoyment of life or connection to anything.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to reconnect with my soul. I finally understand why I’ve felt like I’m just going in cirles and not fitting in anywhere..THANKS AGAIN
Is every single feeling i get a sign? what if you feel empty