How whole do you think you are?
In our natural state, we are filled with dualities. All our sensations, impressions, feelings and thoughts, are divided into good and bad, positive and negative, useful and harmful, necessary and unnecessary, pleasant and unpleasant. Our thoughts contradict our feelings, our instincts undermine our desire for peace and quiet. We perceive and experience our whole life through this process of opposites.
In the Incan tradition there is no such thing as opposing forces. Instead, the world is perceived as being alive and responsive and composed of vibrating fields of pure energy. This energy is divided into two sides of the same spectrum; Sami and Hucha. Sami is known as purer energy that has been refined through conscious work and the cultivation of awareness. Hucha, on the other hand, is not ‘negative’, ‘bad’ or ‘dark’ energy, but rather is simply heavier energy because it is incompatible or disharmonious with the present situation.
This way of looking at the world makes it much easier to avoid the opposing dualities we create. Instead of seeing the world as a variety of split up opposites, the Incan tradition sees that everything consists of different densities of vibration, but all that which is vibrating is the same force.
As we already know from science; all that exists is energy condensed into different frequencies of vibration. My point is that once we realize that we don’t need to see the world in black and white, we realize that it instead exists in a variety of different shades of grey. Ultimately this creates greater wholeness in our lives. In this article I will explore why exactly this is.
Arising Mutually
Daemon est Deus inversus (Devil is God inverted) ~ W. B. Yeats
The Chinese have a beautiful way of explaining the Yin and Yang; they describe them as “arising mutually“. A great way to illustrate this is to study the nature of flowers and bees.
In our perception they are entirely different beings; one flies and buzzes, the other is rooted in the ground and colorfully perfumes the environment so bees are attracted to it. But have you ever considered that they are in fact one single organism? While the bees are the sexual organs of flowers, the flowers are the nourishment of the bees. They are entirely the opposite of each other, just as our sexual organs and mouths appear different as well, but they depend on one another to survive, they are one and the same, they arise mutually.
Opposing natural forces that enhance each other are seen everywhere in the world. What we call a “full moon” for example, is defined by the relative position of the Earth to the Sun. The moon is always full, but to us it only appears to be full when its entire visible face is reflecting the light of the sun. The moon’s “shine” is brightest when it is faced with its opposition.
I have previously written about encountering your Shadow Self, and the wholeness that this experience can create. To “shine your brightness” does not necessarily mean to show your best and most noble qualities, instead, it means to seek the opposing forces within you, shining your brightest, experiencing your full moon.
Nietzsche put it this way in his masterwork Thus Spoke Zarathustra:
My brothers in war! I love you from the very heart, I am and have always been of your kind. And I am also your best enemy.
He felt that we should’nt care about picking our friends as we will naturally be attracted to those who are like us. Instead, pick your enemies wisely, for they will be the ones to challenge you, the ones who force you to be more aware, awake and sharp.
Opposing forces provides clarity in our wholeness, they shed light on the dark side of the moon. By this, I mean that you’ll learn about your attractive and noble traits, as well as your hideous and ignoble ones.
Opposition helps to reveal hidden things within us. We can’t see these hidden things until confronted by something that appears to be very different, or even opposite from us. How can you learn about your depth of compassion if you aren’t confronted with coldness, indifference or suffering? How can you learn about your capacity for fear until risking everything for love? How can you learn about your capacity for gentleness until being met with harshness?
Dark Night Of The Soul
Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. And after they have reigned they will rest. ~ Gospel of Thomas (2:1, 2)
There is no personal growth, no awakening in life and no awakening to life, without first seeing and acknowledging our existing dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction is not the usual day-to-day kind, but is rather a deep, internal disappointment, it is that gaping inner void which constantly reminds us that something is missing, something at a core level is lost.
To live in mediocrity is to never encounter this essential dissatisfaction. Being absorbed in routines, avoiding anything of substance and depth, and accepting your limited life, all amounts to ignoring the fact that something substantially deep and vital is lacking.
To awaken to this deep dissatisfaction in ones life, is what in mystical history they referred to as experiencing a “dark night of the soul“. This essentially, is the experience of a spiritual or existential crisis in ones search for God or Spiritual Enlightenment. Polish psychologist Kazimierz Dabrowski coined the modern term “Positive Disintegration” to describe this experience which is considered necessary for personal growth.
The moment we are born, our mortal human existence arises mutually with an opposite force, the existence of our eternal divine origins. It is our natural urge to search for this whole-making process that is to find our “holiness”. The more aware we become of our unity with our surroundings and our lack of individual separation, the greater the urge to find our wholeness will be.
The Art Of Joining Opposites
The word alone is a wonderful word that, unlike lonely, reflects the fullness and completeness you enjoy in your own solitary presence. The word “alone” literally means wholly oneness or all-in-one.
At the root of your spiritual journey, you are alone. Nobody but you can penetrate the depths of your being. Some people will meet you along your path; some guides, some friends and enemies, but always be aware that these people are just visitors, with lessons and challenges for you to grapple.
For the person who seeks to transcend duality, to reconnect to their Wholeness, their Oneness, there will always be a pull, an attraction towards Solitude.
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Solitude is the mutually arising opposite of company. The “I Am” false identity only exists in the presence of others, the “I’m Not” experience of oneness is more easily found when one is alone.
I’ve always been a strong advocate for spending time alone, at least 20 minutes a day. You can use that time to become aware, witness and understand the dance of opposites within and without you. Spirituality in its essence is about experiencing non-duality; seeing and sensing the profound interrelatedness and ultimate Oneness, of everything. To accomplish this, you have to learn how to identify and separate the opposing parts that dance around, and master the art of joining them together.
Here are some suggestions you can use to create greater wholeness in your life:
Identify the opposing forces: Observe the dualities within you; good and bad, generous and greedy, selfless and selfish, beautiful and ugly, love and hate etc.
Bridge these opposing forces: Through sincere acceptance and honesty with ourselves of our “good” and “bad” traits, greater wholeness can be achieved in our lives. Exploring our Shadow Self, in particular, helps us to acknowledge and embrace the darker elements of ourselves.
Learn how to identify the interconnectedness of life’s opposites: Become aware of how the forces of life change your perception of reality. For example: to feel the impact of cold, we must have known warmth before. Hot and cold compliment each other because they are the same experience (temperature) in different degrees, rather than being two separate experiences.
Experience the wholeness of opposites: The reason why “relativity” exists is because everything varies depending on the position of the spectrum it is in. Cold is not really “cold”, it is just a lesser amount of “hot”. Hot is not hot, it is just a lesser amount of cold.
Little by little these awareness exercises reveal that the “I and That” notion doesn’t exist at all: it is illusory. But first we must learn to become true, whole and defined individuals. It seems paradoxical, but only when you have become a true, complete and well-defined individual can you hope to go beyond individuality. In other words, without first developing your ego or sense of self, you can never hope to experience an ego death.
Only once we take responsibility for our multidimensional nature – understanding the angel and the devil within us, the compassion and heartlessness, the artistic and the intellectual – can we begin to become fully human. Only then can we truly love ourselves.
It is then, once we are fully human, that we can aim to experience Holiness; to connect to our divinity.
Three paths to inner transformation – here’s how I can help you go deeper:
1. The Spiritual Wanderer Course: Are you feeling lost, adrift, and unsure of your life's purpose? Gain clarity, focus, and direction on your inner path by uncovering the five archetypes of awakening within you. Learn how to navigate the highs and lows of your inner journey and chart your unique path with 3+ hours of audio-visual content, workbooks, meditations, and a premium test.
2. Shadow & Light Membership: Do you crave consistent support on your spiritual quest? Receive weekly intuitive guidance and learn to embrace your whole self, including your shadow side. Cultivate deeper self-love with our affordable, personalized support.
3. Spiritual Awakening Bundle: Ready to embark on a profound soul-searching adventure? Dive into our collection of essential transformative resources! Explore five illuminating eBooks and seven in-depth journals, plus unlock two special bonuses to empower your spiritual growth.
I suggest if people are looking for examples of a specific list of dualities in their life you can just google a “List of dualities,” “List of antonyms” (word for opposites), and “List of opposites.” That way, you can examine each of them. The ones I recommend is a balance between passiveness/passive-aggressiveness vs aggressiveness, where the balance is called assertiveness. There’s also the balance between being trusting and being paranoid, where the balance is wise judgment. Lastly, I recommend the balance between the individual and the collective, neither focusing entirely on yourself, and neither focusing entirely on others, but somewhere in the middle. You can also google “Aristotle’s golden mean,” who believe that morality comes from the balance of qualities. For example, courage is the balanced quality, but in excess, it is recklessness, and with a lack of it is cowardice. Pick any moral value or character value, and think or journal to yourself what it may look like in excess or in lack, then ask yourself what the balanced version looks like or how to do that. Another example is mercy and forgiveness. In excess, it is naivety. In lack, it is cruelty. Perhaps look up “List of values,”… Read more »
Words cannot even express and begin to describe my love for this website! Somehow as strange as this may seem to some. It has some sort of answers. Questions my being needs answers to. I always always find something incredible and amazing here. I absolutely don’t regret signing up to this website. Such beautiful beautiful people who have created this!!!
What a brilliant article!
I have been exploring your website recently, and relate deeply to many of your essays. I feel the constant Babylonian pressure and programming urging us all to split into harsh black and white thinking, creating a mass schism paired with rampant ego mania. That’s straight up a divide and conquer MO benefiting those who seek power and control. The power high must be better than anything synthetic the way people use, abuse, manipulate,etc. to obtain and sustain it! Glad I never tasted it. No caer en la trampa! However, I have always felt that there was no good/ right/wrong etc. and rather that it just WAS, and our reactions to such were relative. For that view I have been shunned, judged, called a sociopath, etc. So I shut up. Kept it in. This is the only forum/website that I have found with so many similar ideas/contemplations/analyzations that I relate to verbatem. All the things that I have been intensely soul seeking since becoming aware. Revealing these thoughts have raised eyebrows and spawned hatred of my views. I do my best to look deep inside and analyze my own emotions and behaviors, as well as those I interact with, as to… Read more »
i just took the Dark Night Of The Soul test and lead me to this article. i got 75% on that test. the depression and negativeness won’t leave me alone. when i read this, i nod and then became confused by myself. the more i read this article, the bigger question mark emerged. am i walking in the right path?
and i’m scared to know the truths from the others because i know what will they say to me. no matter how hard i try to ignore what the others said but i can’t. sorry if it’s out of the topic. i just don’t know. sometimes i feel i’m good but the next day i feel i’m completely lost.
Great read! The longer I walk down my life path, the more I realize the need of more balance in my life. For so long, I tried to destroy the “negative” or “shadow self”, not realizing it was an integral part of my existence and who I am. The more comfortable I became realizing this is part of me, the more balanced and peaceful I became. Anything too polarized, left me off balance and not feeling like my true self. I like the framework that you have shaped everything in. You showed how both grow together, and that is truly being whole. Keep up the great articles!
“In other words, without first developing your ego or sense of self, you can never hope to lose your ego or sense of self.”
Mateo, I fully understood this.
I am enjoying your articles – they help me along my own personal journey of trying to keep the “light” in my world and to open up to find my own light to shine. This article gave me an idea for making my alone time more productive. Thank you for your articles. I enjoy Aletheia’s articles well. You compliment each other well.
What? No test? (just kidding) I liked the quote from the Gospel of Thomas. Being a seeker is a compulsion to me. I stop sometimes but I always return to the crooked path to me. Since retiring I do have more time alone for contemplation and I’m also finding new friends rather than coworkers. I suppose I’m a hermit rather than a recluse. As I live in a semi rural area in the deep south I have to do my searching alone. But it seems that there are others like me and we are drawn to each other. Loner is not the same as lonely. I first heard the term “Whole Person” from a Cherokee woman who was a shaman, something she didn’t aspire to be but just was. So I began reading about the whole person from her point of view. I still see her occaisionally and she reports on my aura. She also sees the newly dead who are oftentimes confused and she helps them along. I asked her about this and she said she’ll be driving past a funeral home and will see someone who just looks abandoned. She says to herself, “here we go again” but… Read more »
Great article! I’m always amazed with the new things I learn from here. I’m really glad I read this :)
Hello to you both :-)
Consider playing with the perspectives that:
what you named a natural human is actually a conditioned human, and we are on the unprecedented precipice of finally experiencing what a natural human actually is…
deliberately looking for the beauty in contrasts is another way of resolving(solvent of love and acceptance?)/wholing duality/polarization/opposites…
You are a true beauty to me, and I am absolutely your friend.