You meditate, practice mindfulness, do inner child work, shadow work, burn incense, communicate with your spirit guides and are passionate about the spiritual path …
but the only problem is that your partner isn’t.
In fact, not only are they not interested in the spiritual path but they also have a hard time understanding why you engage in various spiritual practices in the first place.
A thought may have gone through your mind, “can this relationship survive?”
This is a troubling thought and may be accompanied by feelings of anxiety, emotional discomfort or even a sensation of looming endangerment. I want to help you reach some semblance of inner peace and clarity by the end of this article.
Is Your Relationship Doomed?
First off, this is a pretty loaded question.
The only way to determine whether your relationship is doomed to fail or not is to pay attention to the context of what is happening within it and your dynamic together as a couple.
Here are some red flags you should look out for:
- Your partner makes fun of you and your practice
- Your partner gets angry when you dedicate time to your spirituality
- Your partner tries to prevent you from practicing your spiritual path
- Your partner has created a spoken or unspoken “ultimatum” i.e. “it’s me or your spirituality”
- Your partner frequently criticizes your spiritual beliefs
- You feel the need to “hide” your spiritual practice and do it in secret
- You feel pressured to believe/follow what your partner believes
- You’re afraid of sharing your spirituality for fear of being judged or rejected
If you can say “yes” to more than one of these negative red flags, you should be concerned. Your relationship is oppressive and doesn’t allow you to grow as a person which means that there is likely an unhealthy dynamic going on. I would advise you to spend some quiet time across the next few weeks reconsidering your relationship. Why? Because you have a right to practice whatever form of spirituality speaks to your soul. You have a right to flourish as a spiritual being and be loved and supported – not rejected or judged negatively.
If, however, you can’t quite relate to the above red flags but your partner isn’t spiritual and you are, this is a positive sign (but also more complex).
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I’ll explain why below.
What to Do When Your Partner Isn’t on the Spiritual Path
Understandably it can be frustrating and disheartening to live with (or spend a lot of time with) a person who doesn’t share the same aspirations, outlooks, or spiritual beliefs as you.
But I want to mention something very important here: beware of the ideals you create.
Concepts such as twin flames and soul mates can be useful in defining and understanding relationships, but they are ultimately limiting and constrictive when framed in the purely spiritual context. (Anyway, you can still have a “non-spiritual” soulmate or twin flame – if you like using those labels.) So if you are looking jealously at other couples who seem to “have it all” spiritually speaking, drop those rose-tinted glasses immediately.
“Spiritual” relationships are not the be all and end all. In other words, NO you don’t have to be in a spiritual relationship to be happy. No, you don’t need to share the same metaphysical beliefs or outlooks.
Because the most “spiritual” thing is ultimately love.
If we are talking about real spirituality here (not just the various methods, paths or mental beliefs), what ultimately matters is how much you love and accept each other, regardless of your differences.
Beware of the toxic comparison that makes you feel like you should both be on the same page about everything, like “other people.” Beware of the toxic comparison that makes you feel like you should be posting pictures of yourself and your partner on Instagram doing something “spiritual” like yoga – or go on week-long meditation retreats together – like “other people.”
As a person who has written a lot on spiritual relationships I can tell you this:
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If your partner has the ability to love, they are innately spiritual. It doesn’t matter what they believe (or don’t believe) so long as they are able to open their heart to you.
So put your foot down and refuse to be pressured into believing that your relationship has to look or feel a certain way. Your relationship is unique, and so long as it is based on mutual love and respect, it is healthy and can survive.
A Little Side Note on Core Needs
As a slight diversion, I want to say that it is possible that you may have a healthy and loving relationship but the connection still isn’t right for you.
Why may this be the case?
The answer is that one of your core needs isn’t being met. If you absolutely feel in your heart of hearts that you need a partner who is on the same page as you spiritually, that is one of your core needs. And you need to pay attention to it.
There are no easy answers here, and all I can say is that if you are unhappy in your relationship despite the fact that it is loving and respectful, it may not be the right relationship for you.
Not everyone needs to be in a relationship with a spiritual person, but if you feel the deep core need to be, then you need to do some soul searching. Reflect on yourself and your relationship in five years time: does the thought make you happy or restless/depressed? If you answered the latter then it is unlikely your relationship will be able to survive simply due to the fact that one of your core needs is to have a spiritual romantic companion. And that’s perfectly okay. You will need to sort out your feelings and plan for the best path of action.
Here Are Some Essential Do’s and Don’ts
So now that we’ve cleared up whether a relationship can survive or not when one partner isn’t spiritual, here are some ways to ensure that your relationship continues to flourish:
- Don’t pressure your partner to adopt the same spiritual beliefs or practices as you – they must ultimately decide for themselves. So be cautious of trying to deprive them of that empowered choice no matter how zealous you feel. Honor their free will.
- Be careful of harboring negative judgment or a critical attitude towards your partner just because they are different. Remember that we are all at various levels of spiritual awakening. When the time comes (if it comes) your partner will awaken too.
- Don’t get lost in rose-tinted ideals and fantasies about who your partner “should” be spiritually speaking. Wanting or expecting your partner to be anything other than what they are is a recipe for disaster. Accept the full package of your partner (strengths and flaws alike).
- Don’t rely exclusively on your partner for spiritual nourishment – this point may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised by how many people out there expect their partners to be “all things and everything.” Take that burden off your partner and find a local spiritual group (or at the very least, one online) where you can express the spiritual side of yourself.
- Lead by example (don’t preach to convert). There is nothing as nauseating as a person trying to proselytize others – so don’t be pushy with your beliefs and outlooks. Walk the talk instead.
- Find and focus on the similarities between you and your partner.
- Regularly express your love, commitment, and affection (which itself is a spiritual practice).
- See your relationship as a “school of life” and your partner as a teacher in disguise. So much self-knowledge and spiritual growth can occur within relationships, regardless of how “spiritual” they are. Your partner will mirror your greatest hidden strengths and also your most feared shadows. So see your connection as sacred without being overbearing.
- Honor what stage your partner is at. Be careful of seeing yourself as more spiritually “advanced” than your partner (which leads to an inflated ego) – choose to see both of you at different levels on the spiral of growth. Understand that your partner may be more developed in some areas of life than you and vice versa.
- Seek to meet each other at an equal level.
To summarize: pay attention to the context and dynamic of your relationship. If your connection is based on mutual love and respect then YES, it is possible to thrive and survive together. If you have a core need to connect with a spiritual partner, then NO, living with an “unspiritual” partner is unlikely to fulfill you. Although, before you jump to this conclusion, I ask you to consider what “spiritual” actually means to you – does it mean spiritual according to your path and beliefs, or something else? Also ask yourself, “Am I happy to do my thing and allow my partner to do theirs?” or do you both absolutely need to be on the same page?
Hopefully, you have a bit more clarity now as I know how complex and emotionally-charged this topic can be.
Do let me know if I’ve missed anything or if you have any advice of your own. I’d love to read your insights!
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Hi Mateo, I have a boyfriend who is very spiritual. I am just on the beginning of my path. In his presence I am not allowed to listen to the music I like. The last time he criticised me because i was listening to music while he was in the bathroom – and in his opinion it was to loud. So I disturb him in his being, because my music is toxic and takes him out of this center. I know that we are all influenced by what we are surrounded but isn’t this too much? It’s no hard rock or metal I am listing. It is just a colourful mix of music – at this day the Sun was shining and I was just enjoying myself while he showered. I turned it off when he came out of the bathroom. Is this understandable or correct to force your partner that much? Wouldn’t it be better to let it grow and when I am a little further on my path I maybe don’t want to listen anymore. But in my opinion a spiritual being should be tolerant and open to all who are not that far. In my feeling it… Read more »
Hi, I’m Natasha. I’m a wife, mom to 3 kids and After 14years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he could come back to me, I was really worried and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Unity can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a Love spell for me. 11hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he… Read more »
Hi, Im not sure anyone is still writeing on this the date is from 2018. But anyways il give it a go. Thank you for this page it does clarify alot. My question is what if your spouse is spiritual but just not awakened in the multi aspect but hes deeply programed in a religion an we do our insence an sageing moon rituals because we both believe in clearing energies. We took a walk with our little girl an he started talking about scriprures, which is fine, i grew up in that religion but my awakening has brought me into oneness mindset of all religions. Well he said some things an i got mad thinking to my spirit guides..”ohh man this man im with is stil into old programs i no longer resonate with. However for the most part we get along, we laugh alot we are deeply in love with our kid, we work great together an hes not into yoga but he bought me a yoga matt.. hes always known im more of a naturalist an he loves hes slowly began to become vegitarian an im not.. But at times i feel that i want to… Read more »
This article gives me a lot clarity about relationships, and particularly, my own relationship. Having read this, I am more content with it, less demanding, and thus less aggressive. I believe now I can get along with it with peacefulness in my mind and at heart.
Love is nice but trust is way more important. Anyone can say they love you but the one who really does shows it and it can be felt across a room full of others. And the last thing you should tell people is they have to chose a path in life. In reality your path chooses you. And the more people around you tell you it’s the wrong choice the more it is actually the right choice. Don’t follow someone else they don’t know your journey only you do. You have to trust it and believe me there will be tons of times you won’t love it.
Hi Mateo, thanks for great article! In my case my nonspiritual husband (30 yr marriage) loves me in a way that he would not ever want to live without me. In other words he tells me he would not be complete without me. I love him but not in that way, I feel a complete person with or without him. I am meditating regularly and I really enjoy it. He wonders what am I trying to achieve, etc. We both now want completely different things in life, used to want the same but not any more. Could you shed some light please?
According to my belief all and sundry are partly body, partly spirit. These two are intimately connected and mutually dependent. There can, therefore, be no one who is not walking the paths of the spirit. Truth is a road that splits into a multitude of different paths. Thus, THE spiritual path is an illusion of the highest order.
We might talk about different stages of maturity at the most.
Judge others, who may.
Very helpful! I tend to forget, so thank you.
Thank you for this – very well done. Can you please give some resources for further exploring “core needs”?
HI Mateo
thank you for your article. It is very helpful for me.