Are you living out your fate or creating your destiny?
Fate and destiny are both terms that tend to be used interchangeably in conversations. We hear people saying “He met his fate” and “It must be her destiny” – but have you ever wondered that the actual differences between fate and destiny are?
If you’re wanting to discover what path you’re on, I want to help you find a clear answer by the end of this article.
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What is Fate?
“Fate” comes from the Latin word Fatum meaning “that which has been spoken.” Therefore, through the ages, fate has come to be associated with that which has been predetermined for our lives. Fate is based on the notion that there is a natural order in the Universe which cannot be changed, no matter how hard we try. The ancient Greeks and Romans even believed that three goddesses called Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos (or the “Three Fates”) had the role of determining a person’s ultimate life path.
Overall, fate tends to have pretty negative connotations. For example, people who experience misfortune often tend to believe that fate is the cause. Pessimistic terms such as “to seal one’s fate” and “a fate worse than death” all suggest that fate is something undesirable and negative.
Spiritually, fate is what occurs when we ignore our life calling and don’t actively work to reconnect with our souls or True Nature. When we leave our lives up to fate, we are basically handing over the reigns of control to other people and outside circumstances. When we don’t put any effort into consciously changing and evolving, what happens is fate.
What is Destiny?
Destiny has much more positive connotations than fate. Deriving from the Latin word Destinare, destiny means “that which has been firmly established.” While this definition also refers to the idea of predetermined events, destiny is something we can actively shape and alter. Unlike fate, there is an element of choice in destiny. Qualities such as courage, compassion, willpower, and patience can all help to change your destiny.
Spiritually, destiny is intimately connected to our ultimate life path. When we choose to step up and take responsibility for our lives, then we are actively shaping our destiny instead of leaving our lives to fate. Fulfilling our destiny involves consciously developing a connection to our deepest inner selves and maturing on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level.
What’s the Difference Between Fate and Destiny? (Summarized)
Fate is that which you cannot change. Destiny is that which you’re meant to do. While fate is what happens when you don’t take responsibility for your life, destiny is what happens when you commit to growing, learning, and taking chances. Being “destined for greatness” only comes through active and conscious decisions. But fate is what happens when you let other people and external circumstance dictate your life.
Do We Have Control?
Fate and destiny can be perceived as two sides of the same coin: both are predetermined. But the important thing to remember is that there are infinite possibilities in life. Fulfilling our destiny means consciously directing the stream of our lives in a certain direction. While subjectively (to the ego) this means that we have control and choice, objectively, there is no such thing as control or choice because the concept of “me” and “you” don’t exist (except in the mind).
So the answer to the question “do we have control” is paradoxical: we do and we do not have control. However, while we are still operating on the level of having a sense of self (ego), it is vital that we proactively work to step up and take responsibility for our destiny.
How to Fulfill Your Destiny
As long as you are consciously seeking to learn, grow, and spiritually evolve, you are fulfilling your destiny. However, if you’re wanting to achieve your highest potential, you might benefit from the following tips:
- Develop self-understanding. There are so many free resources out there (including this website) which can help you understand who you are better. Our free tests section is a great place to start.
- Find out what you’re passionate about. What sets your soul on fire? What excites and thrills you? What do you admire and deeply enjoy doing? Make sure you keep doing whatever fulfills you.
- Surround yourself with supportive people who inspire you. Critics and judgmental people often trigger huge amounts of self-doubt within us. Sometimes we actually listen to these unsupportive people who tell us how to “live our lives,” resulting in us choosing the wrong life path. Identify people in your life who are negative influences and remove them or reduce contact. Seek out kind, inspiring, and empathetic friends.
- Permit yourself to move out of your comfort zone. Often, the biggest life changes occur when we make bold decisions. Sometimes fulfilling your destiny means getting a little bit uncomfortable or even making a terrifying leap of faith. Whatever the case, make sure you listen to your intuition and also use logic where necessary.
- Identify limiting beliefs. When we believe our thoughts, we experience anger, insecurity, sadness, shame, and anxiety. The number one greatest block most people experience when trying to fulfill their destiny are core beliefs. Core beliefs are the main ideas we carry about ourselves which we were conditioned to believe since birth. Common core beliefs include “I am unworthy,” “I am stupid,” “I am a bad person,” and “I don’t deserve happiness.” Read more about core beliefs.
- Ask other people for support. You don’t need to travel your journey alone. If you need some guidance, seek out help from a loved one, counselor or spiritual teacher. People who have walked this path before you can share a lot of wisdom which will benefit you greatly. I like to say a simple prayer asking for guidance when I need help. Prayer doesn’t have to be religious – you can pray to Life, the Universe, Spirit, the Mystery, or whatever moves you.
- Make a list of all your strengths. This simple practice can help to direct your energy in a more sustainable and beneficial way.
- Remember that setbacks are normal. There is no such thing as failure, only learning opportunities. If something doesn’t go your way, take a deep breath and realize that sometimes life wants us to move in a different direction.
- Create goals. Goals are clearly defined milestones which can help you to get organized and prioritize what is most important to you.
- Show kindness towards yourself. The more love and compassion you show towards yourself, the more you are naturally moving towards your ultimate destiny. Be mindful of negative and critical thoughts and let them pass without attaching to them.
- Be yourself. There has never been a person exactly like you on the face of this planet, ever. Instead of imitating other people, explore what comes most naturally to you. There are too many people out there copycatting others. Be yourself. Explore your own style. Enjoy the peace that comes with not having to be someone you’re not.
- Ask yourself, “What do I want the most in life?” and direct all of your attention towards fulfilling that goal. Do you want freedom, peace of mind, love? When all’s said and done, everything returns back to the desire for happiness. However, remember that chasing happiness actually creates suffering. Happiness can never be found in the past or future: it can only ever be found now, in the present moment. Therefore, to further refine the question, you might like to ask yourself “How can I enjoy life right now, in the present moment?”
Has this article helped you to discover the difference between fate and destiny? I hope the tips here have inspired you to actively shape your life path, rather than leaving it down to the forces of fate.
What are your thoughts about fate and destiny?
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“Faith is to believe in Allaah, His Angels, His Books, His
Messengers, the Last Day and to believe in destiny it’s good
and bad.”
“O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allaah) Who created you and those
who were before you so that you may be pious. (It is He) Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy,
and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith
fruits as a provision for you.”
“Verily, Allaah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him
(in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He
My problem is when you are relatively certain what you’re supposed to be doing but your ability to do it is taken from you, no fault of your own. Then any alternative “never works out” over and over and over again.
Take two people – both with the same drive, ambitions, goals, talent. One becomes Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey. The other never does better than a cashier at a big box store. What’s the difference?
Let us know your thoughts and experiences on this topic! I think that it’s also destiny or fate that made me come across this ARTICLE. thanks to everyone. this ARTICLE HAS INDEED CREATE ANOTHER HOPE IN ME. I THINK I GET BACK MY STRENGTH TO MOVE ON WITH LIFE. NAMASTE!!!
i loved this article, it´s really shocking for me,because all that written by you, its true, and its all about the moment im passing by right now, im changing my life path and totally getting out of my confort zone, i really appreciate all your words
I feel that it was destiny or fate that I found this article. :-)
It is true that positive actions have positive results. If you give a hug, you will receive a hug.
thanks very much for your valuable writing
Warmest greetings Luna and Sol. As if they were put in front my design, I read the article on fate and destiny and it resonated with me at a perfect time. Becoming conscious on very level is difficult. I had a normal dark moment last night and I was processing and searching within to try to peel away the pain get to the heart of why I was feeling so troubled. And then I simply accepted what I found and accepted what I felt. You both do so much to support people who are walking the not-so-travelled-spiritual path. Sometime there is just no one else to talk to about it. Then I read your articles and the comments by the people in what I call my “Lonerwolf Tribe” and I feel closer and more connected to people half way around the world than I do with people in my geographic circle. Anyway I wanted to thank you and all of my fellow Tribesmen/Women for sharing the most precious part of yourselves. It matters, it makes a difference and you all are helping in ways you can’t imagine. Namaste
Well written this topic resonates with me. I especially loved reading how happiness can only be found in the present moment.
It’s difficult for me to put this into words. Based on how I experience it, it works like natural laws. It rules how things work/happen, but not necessarily which. So it’s random and predetermined at the same time. For example, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, that’s how physics explains how entropy works, that matter eventually decays according to the law. But it doesn’t tell what will happen to each particle, only that they would behave in certain ways in certain environment/circumstances. Also in “action equals reaction”. So, we do have choices, and follow the consequences. This analogy is the closest to what I am trying to say… I guess. I hope it’s clear enough.
Well written Mat, yes Fate and Destiny can easily be mis interpreted and not understood. A lot of us where brought up with the term HAVE FAITH, another twist to the argument.❤️