If you want to discover whether you’re a free spirit or not, you need to ask yourself one question:
What’s more important to you in life, complacency or freedom?
I’ll help you figure out what your true answer is in a little bit.
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But first, I know you’re a busy person, so let’s get to the good stuff:
Table of contents
The Free Spirit Has the Essence of a Wolf
Yes, you heard me.
The free spirit has the same essence as the wolf. (On a side note, maybe that’s why wolves have been so feared and respected throughout millennia?) But this essence deviates from the modern notion of the free spirit. Let me explain why:
Old Ideas
Traditionally, a free spirit is seen as one who doesn’t like to be tied down, who wants to run free, liberated from the confines of family and society. Think of all those famous derelicts, hippies, and brooding heartthrobs seen in TV, film, and pop culture.
But there’s one big problem with this depiction of the free spirit: it’s still enslavement. These supposed “free spirits” that we wish to model ourselves upon are still not free. Superficially, they look liberated. On the surface, they seem to be living the dream.
But if you’ve ever met a so-called free spirit who indirectly models themselves upon the pop culture ideal, you’ll soon realize that something’s off with them.
They’re still running away from something.
And yes, having the guts to rebel against big corporations, the oppressive modern lifestyle, and society at large is brave. But is it truly freedom? Is it truly what defines a “free spirit”?
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What does your inner free spirit want you to know?
What is True Freedom?
Freedom is not only external– it is also internal. Free-dom, or being free from domination, is just as much about our own minds as it is about the outer state of the world.
If you don’t have the desire to liberate yourself from the outer and inner voices of oppression, but prefer to be a respectable sheeple of society, freedom isn’t important to you. Convenience and complacency are.
If you don’t have the drive to be liberated from ALL sources of enslavement, whether in the outside world or inside reality, the term “free spirit” is just a stylish, feel-good label with no real substance.
It’s on par with dressing in boho clothes, adorning yourself in exotic jewelry, and getting a big “free spirit” tattoo and plastering it all over social media – it looks nice superficially, but it’s not the real deal.
The inner wolf is the embodiment of the free spirit. She can be all things and thrive in all states. She can be the nurturer and protector, the observer and the instigator, the gatherer and the fighter, the solitary one and the pack member.
She is not limited by one state of being. Above all, courage defines the inner wolf, and it is this essence that forges the true free spirit.
Are you willing to use your teeth to shred through outer AND inner oppression relentlessly? Do you crave for freedom more than complacency? Let’s find out …
How to Know Whether You’re a Free Spirit
I’m going to ask you one question.
This question, more or less, will help you to honestly assess your real desires and, therefore, whether you’re a free spirit or not.
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Question 1 – Choose one statement you most resonate with:
a) I prefer my spirituality to affirm me.
b) I prefer my spirituality to challenge and deconstruct me.
Take a few moments to seriously consider this question.
(Of course, you can take our free spirit test if you struggle with answering this question and need more variety.)
If you chose (a) you value complacency – and freedom is of secondary importance to you. If you chose (b) you value freedom and are therefore a free spirit.
As spiritual teacher Adyashanti writes,
Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.
We often think the spiritual path is a feel-good journey – and at the beginning stages that may be true. It’s also fine to use spirituality to affirm your self-identity and find some kind of security. But at the deeper levels, it is a journey towards freedom through self-realization (i.e. enlightenment), and that process is messy, uncomfortable, and challenging.
Ultimately, it’s neither good nor bad whether you’re a free spirit or not. We’re all at different levels of growth, and that’s okay. You don’t HAVE to be a free spirit any more than you don’t have to be a ballet dancer, truck driver, or reiki healer. Different strokes for different folks as they say. Some people need to be comforted and affirmed, others don’t.
Also, if you discover that you don’t have a free spirit essence, I want you to know that a ‘free spirit’ isn’t who you’re naturally born to be, it’s who you BECOME.
Yes, you can choose to become a free spirit.
If you’re starting to discover that comfort and complacency aren’t nourishing your soul any longer, you can absolutely make the decision to live like a free spirit. It will take time, practice, and authentic guidance, but the door is always open to you.
So with that being said, what is a free spirit? Let’s create a formal definition here:
What is a Free Spirit?
A free spirit is a person who desires to be free from all external and internal oppressive forces above all else.
The free spirit is by nature a rebel who may appear eccentric, weird or otherworldly to society.
They choose to walk a different path in life that empowers them to listen to the voice of their soul, be free from suffering and enslavement, and fulfill their destiny.
Forget the stereotypical image of the bohemian traveler: a free spirit can be a homebody or adventurer, a family person or a loner, an outspoken extrovert, or a reflective introvert.
Being a free spirit is an ESSENCE, not an external image or label. If you value truth and freedom more than you value comfort and complacency, you’re a free spirit.
Free Spirits & Spiritual Awakening
When we walk the path of the free spirit, we simultaneously walk the path of the heart and soul. In essence, we are crafting a genuine spiritual path free of society’s confines and toxic conditioning.
If you are a free spirit, you’re by nature a person intent on soul searching – on finding answers to the deepest gnawing questions of existence such as “What is my destiny?” and “What is my True Nature?” Only a free spirit can truly answer this call to adventure. Only a free spirit can persist on the path of spiritual awakening.
7 Signs of the Free Spirit
Stereotypes aside, here are seven authentic signs of the free spirit:
- You’re a rebel and non-conformist
- You’re an innovator and dreamer
- You thirst for truth
- You have an inner “BS” detector
- You welcome challenge
- Your heart is your compass
- “I will not be enslaved” is your unconscious motto
I’ll go more into depth below:
1. You’re a rebel and non-conformist
By nature, you’re a non-conformist. You don’t like walking the path others set before you. You want to trailblaze your own destiny. You instinctually fight against anyone’s attempt to put you in a box, contain you, suppress you, silence you, or numb you.
Read: How to Embrace Being a Lone Wolf and Walk Your OWN Path »
2. You’re an innovator and dreamer
As a free spirit, you’re not afraid to let your mind wander to new horizons and realities. You have big ideas that may sound far-fetched or bizarre to others. Being rejected for your goals, plans or inventions is a big thorn in your side. Others can’t seem to get on the same page as you! You’re a visionary who always enjoys finding new ways of doing things differently than others.
3. You thirst for truth
How can a person be free when they’re living a lie? Or believing lies? In your heart and soul, you long to find truth both in everyday life and metaphysically. The old aphorism “the truth shall set you free” is something you carry deep inside your heart. You are willing to be wrong and are open to many different explanations. What is most important to you is what is real.
Read: What is the Meaning of Life? (In-Depth Answers) »
4. You have an inner “BS” detector
Part of that thirst for truth is the desire for authenticity – in yourself and in others. You can smell bullshit from a mile away and it disturbs you. How can you (or others) be free when deception and phoniness are running rampant? You despise playing roles and putting on masks and you can’t be around fake people for very long before the desire to run for the hills bursts like a howl from you.
5. You welcome challenge
Life becomes dead and stagnant when there’s no challenge. Although you may find it a bit scary and intimidating, being challenged is welcome by you as a free spirit. You know, deep down, that to be free from inner and outer oppression you must grow. And to grow, you must be challenged. You don’t seek comfort or complacency. You seek to feel and be alive. You seek to transform into the highest version of yourself possible.
6. Your heart is your compass
Your heart is your compass and you direct your life accordingly. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re reckless, but it does mean that you’re always striving to do what you love – because when you accomplish this, you feel free. Furthermore, you don’t just let what you’re passionate about sit on the back burner or fizzle away into oblivion, you find some way of incorporating it into your life.
Even if you have abandoned your passions, you become passionate about trying to reconnect with them. You want to live a life that you love and offer something to the world that you truly believe in.
Read: 9 Exhilarating Ways to Be True to Yourself (Even When You’re Scared) »
7. “I will not be enslaved” is your unconscious motto
As a natural rebel, you seek to remove beliefs, ideologies, habits, careers, and people from your life that cause you to feel oppressed, and therefore enslaved. You do this on both a physical and a metaphysical (or emotional/mental/spiritual) level.
You are attracted to people and paths that encourage the growth of your passionate spirit. You refuse to be tamed by the opinions or desires of others. You may be perceived as selfish, but deep down you know that you must respect and love yourself in order to share your gifts with the world.
If the beliefs, habits, and traumas within YOU are the source of your own suffering, you’ll try your utmost to free yourself from them. You realize that in order to be fully free, you must be comfortable and at home within yourself.
Therapy, self-exploration, inner work, and spiritual practice will all be methods by which you seek to liberate yourself from suffering. Being a free spirit will become less about traveling the external world as it will be about traversing, and mastering the inner landscape.
How to Be a Free Spirit?
You might be unsure about where you stand right now. Perhaps you want to be a free spirit, but your behavior may indicate otherwise. Perhaps you simply don’t know.
As I mentioned before, being a free spirit is a choice that arises from deep within you. When the pain of staying the same becomes more than the pain of growing, you will choose growth more than complacency.
And if you don’t feel that pain intensely enough yet, don’t worry. Just look at flowers: they start as tightly furled buds. But eventually, life demands that they open. You are the same. We all are.
So ultimately, no matter what happens, eventually Life demands that we arise out of our stupors, free ourselves of the shackles that bind us, and unite again with that Divine essence which lies in the heart of all of us.
This may arise out of a sudden spiritual awakening, dark night of the soul, or trauma that besets us out of nowhere. Or it may just be the slow disintegration of our satisfaction with life.
Whatever the case, you are destined to be a free spirit, you can be assured of that.
I realize that my definition may be different than others, and that’s fine. But when examining the word “freedom,” in relation to the “free” spirit, I apply it holistically to the entire spectrum of a person, which means the outer and inner worlds.
A major part of embodying the free spirit essence is liberating yourself from everything that holds you back. This is an external and internal process.
Let go of the stereotypical notion that you have to cut ties with everyone and wander barefoot through the world to be a free spirit. You don’t even have to like traveling to be a free spirit. Nor do you have to be a modern hippy or bohemian.
Being a free spirit is an essence, a call that emerges from deep inside. When we are in touch with this inner fire, we are in touch with the inner wolf; that powerful force that craves freedom above all else.
We might have to become a lone wolf for a while, we might have to leave the confines of social convention. But the journey is worth taking, for without it, we’ll eventually wind up feeling empty and dead inside no matter how comfortable our external lives look.
What does being a free spirit mean to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences below!
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1. The Spiritual Wanderer Course: Feeling lost or uncertain about your path and purpose in life? Gain clarity and focus by learning about the five archetypes of awakening within you. Discover your deeper path and purpose using our in-depth psychospiritual map. Includes 3+ hours of audio-visual content, workbooks, meditations, and a premium test.
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3. Spiritual Awakening Bundle: Ready to soul search and dive deep? Access our complete "essentials" collection of beloved journals and eBooks. Includes five enlightening eBooks and seven guided journals, plus two special bonuses to further illuminate your path.
Your definition is exactly who I am… Thank you for your page, it is bringing a lot of peace to my spiritual awakening process. I’m still lost as to what my purpose in life is. I trust the process and when the time comes I’ll know. I went through the Dark Night of the Soul after divorce on the last year I was to became a doctor in my field. It lasted two years. Only a synchronicity of God took me out of there. For a year I saw life’s beauty again in the birth of my niece. This past year it’s been a lot of shadow work, inner work, self love, therapy and re parenting myself. I have no idea where to go from here and I’ve found validation in your articles. I know I’ll make it tought.
This past year I went camping for the first time by myself with my dog. I had the incredible experience of a lone wolf literally coming to my campsite. It was scary and exhilarating! It definitely spoke volumes to me. I am definitely a free spirit, and refer to myself as a lone star. Hopefully shining bright and helping others see the way in the dark.
I am a free spirit in some ways, but prevent myself from fully experiencing it. My mother is a true free spirit, however she is the main cause of my wounds. She was always walking a different path, but strongly controlled me to the point where I had no voice. I still struggle, even though I’ve forgiven her younger self with full understanding and compassion. The forgiveness wasn’t enough for me to break free of the controls embedded within me (fortunately she has become mainly cured of being the controlling person she once was). Possibly all the many years of being unwanted by her, my ex-spouse and others has complicated things, and I have always felt everything all of the time (which is very often bittersweet/conflicting). I forget very little. “No mind” would be a gift at this point. I am grateful for all of the articles as they confirm many things.
Thank you for the understanding of free spirit. I am a lone wolf, And as of rules no I’m not going at all with that. I myself don’t want to do what others do. Now yes sometimes I do feel only. And when things don’t go my way I won’t stop finding a way. Please send more Thank You
A very balanced and thought-provoking article, thank you. I have been a free spirit all my life (I relate to all 7 of your signs and have done for most of my 60 years). My life has not been straightforward, easy or necessarily comfortable but I have never felt confined and restricted by others’ parameters. I am always striving to be true to myself and others and I have achieved an inner serenity which helps me to persevere through tough times. I feel beyond doubt that I have followed my own path and have embraced the challenges along the way to become stronger, wiser, more compassionate and liberated. I would not have had it any other way.
Since (I) believe (mentally) that no separate me exists, then to answer either question A or B is to bring the separate (me) 0n a spiritual journey which as long as it believes it exists it is more than willing to follow any path which preserves (itself). to quote Ramana Maharshi( there is a presupposing of a non existant thing seeking salvation for the non existant thing, if your spititual practices themselves are reinforcing the non existant thing how can they destroy it?
I believe I am a free spirit and thinking back as a child, my grandma used to call me, “wila” which means wild one in spanish slang. She also used to tease me that I spoke to people without saying a word by using my eyes. So, I’ve had a free spirit since I was very young, I just started not caring what people think anymore. This article helped me to recognize characteristics about myself that I knew I had but now I understand. I am studying to be a Spiritual Guidance Counselor and GOD is showing me a new me and a new way of thinking. It’s like the birth of a new person. I am excited to get understanding of what, where, why I am going through the changes within me. Thank you for your time…
I love this article. I am a free spirit!!! According to your definition each one is exactly how I choose to live these days. Thank u!!!
Thank you, I never really thought I was a free spirit and always admired those who were, I guess after reading this, they were just at a different level. I fall more into the free spirit definition and can totally relate and just need to let go so i can embrace it like i need to so i can move forward. Thank you.