When was the last time you felt emotionally grounded, creative, sexually desirable, energetic, and bursting with passion for life?
This vivacity you felt was likely when your sacral chakra was in complete harmonious balance. People with balanced sacral chakras radiate warmth, playfulness, and good humor.
Unfortunately, many experiences in life can lead to blocked sacral chakras. If you’ve experienced body shame, a strict or authoritarian upbringing, sexual abuse or dysfunction, toxic relationships, religious indoctrination, or critical forms of social conditioning that have limited the flow of your life force energy, you likely have an impaired sacral chakra.
I’ll explore with you how to undergo sacral chakra healing in this article.
What is the Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is the center of our emotional, creative, and sexual energy. Located three inches below your belly button above our genitals, the sacral chakra is associated with the color orange, and it regulates the energy associated with passion, pleasure, and sensuality.
When the sacral chakra is imbalanced due to traumatic early and adult life experiences, we experience a multitude of physical, emotional, psychological, and interpersonal issues.
What is Sacral Chakra Healing?
Sacral Chakra healing is the practice of opening, clearing, cleansing, supporting and strengthening the sacral chakra within our bodies. Sacral Chakra healing involves using a number of holistic remedies such as aromatherapy, sound, crystal, and movement therapy to re-establish harmony within the body-mind organism.
12 Signs of an Unhealthy Sacral Chakra
The best way to tell whether you need to undergo sacral chakra healing is to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, actions and physical sensations within your body.
Here are some signs to look out for:
- You’re addicted to anything that brings pleasure such as food, gambling, sex, work, alcohol, drugs, compulsive buying, etc.
- You feel emotionally numb or cold, and you find it hard to feel very much of any kind of emotion
- You’re sexually frigid, and you have a low to non-existent libido, OR …
- You’re sexually impulsive, and your libido tends to be in overdrive
- You’re neurotic, and you can’t handle spontaneity or uncertainty
- You’ve got reproductive problems such as infertility, impotence or menstrual issues
- You’re constantly fatigued, and you have little energy for anything
- You feel inhibited and repressed from expressing your true feelings and desires, OR …
- You’re extremely emotionally reactive, and you’re a drama junkie
- You’re emotionally hypersensitive OR emotionally aloof
- You’re creatively blocked, and you tend to overthink everything
- You have lower back, kidney or stomach disorders
How many of these signs can you relate to in this list?
Do You Have a Deficient or Excessive Sacral Chakra?
Did you know that there are actually two types of chakra imbalances?
While a deficient sacral chakra is passive or energetically “numb,” an excessive sacral chakra is energetically aggressive or manic.
Here’s a breakdown of the difference between the two:
Deficient = lifeless, sluggish, passive, blocked, inwards (not enough energy flows in)
Excessive = lively, agitated, reactive, aggressive, outwards (too much energy flows in)
Therefore, if you have a deficient sacral chakra, you will be more prone to issues such as detachment, emotional coldness, and sexual frigidity. On the other hand, if you have an excessive sacral chakra you will be prone to codependency, emotional explosiveness, and sexual addiction.
The question is, what type of imbalance do you have? It’s also possible to fall somewhere in the middle.
16 Sacral Chakra Healing Practices
So what does a healthy and balanced sacral chakra look and feel like?
When you have a clear, strong and harmonious sacral chakra, you will firstly feel comfortable in your skin. You will no longer struggle with sexual guilt or indulgence, but you’ll come to honor your sacred sexuality and enjoy it in a balanced way. Not only will you enjoy the pleasures of life, but you will be open to experiencing life and your passion for it. You’ll be both emotionally open but also emotionally grounded with healthy boundaries. Not only that, but you’ll get back your creative flow once again, and you’ll enjoy the spontaneity of life.
Here are some of the best sacral chakra healing practices out there that I have personally experimented with:
1. Practice emotional catharsis
Best suited to: deficient sacral chakra blockages
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Open the “frozen” energy channels within yourself by purging your emotions through catharsis. Try jumping, screaming, laughing, crying, or other physical forms of catharsis that release built up emotions.
2. Explore creative self-expression
Best suited to: deficient and excessive sacral chakra blockages
Pick an activity that you’re interested in such as sculpting, drawing, photography, quilting, jewelry making or cooking, and give it a go! Remember, art takes time, dedication, and practice. Don’t expect to be perfect at what you choose immediately! Think of what you would like to mentally or emotionally express, and paint, weave, build, tie or photograph those inner desires.
3. Identify your sexual blockages
Best suited to: deficient sacral chakra blockages
What beliefs, ideals, and prejudices towards sexuality were you taught as a child? You might like to write these blockages down or speak about them with a good friend or counselor. Once you identify these blockages, you can then proceed to deconstruct them.
4. Meditate with and carry crystals
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
Use sacral chakra crystals such as carnelian, orange calcite, jasper, and moonstone. My favorite sacral chakra crystal is amber, which you can buy here.
5. Become mindful of your emotional triggers
Best suited to: excessive blockages
Explosions of emotion can be balanced by becoming more mindful through exercises of your emotional triggers. For example, if you discover that your fists start to clench when you get angry, slowly uncurl them and breathe deeply. If your blood temperature rises around a certain topic, become aware and present with that emotion.
6. Increase your intake of ginger
Best suited to: deficient blockages
Ginger is a warming and stimulating herb that is terrific for the sacral chakra. Try cooking more with ginger, using ginger oil, or drinking a ginger tea infusion. I recommend this 100% organic ginger infusion.
7. Explore the root of your addictions
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
Addictions are a way for us to cope with our reality and fill empty holes in our lives. In a journal or with a friend or therapist, explore why you are addicted to something. Ask questions such as “What place was I at in my life when I started getting addicted to this?” “What do I feel this addiction brings me?” “What is this addiction trying to hide about who I believe I am?” If you’re suffering from a serious addiction, make sure you schedule an appointment with an addiction specialist.
8. Practice self-care towards your body
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
Explore empowering spiritual resources such as books, workshops, and guided meditations that will help you to accept your body type and other physical quirks. Stop apologizing for how you look and start embracing your unique body and its needs. Join online or real life groups that help you to love your body. Find out what eating plan suits you the best, and cut out processed foods. For the sacral chakra, try eating fruit and vegetables such as coconuts, oranges, apricots, almonds, sweet potatoes, carrots, mangos, passionfruit, and papaya.
9. Try color therapy
Best suited to: deficient and excessive sacral chakra blockages
Introduce the colors orange, peach and apricot into your life as the color of the sacral chakra is orange. For example, wear orange clothing, surround yourself with orange objects, and creatively express yourself in the color orange.
10. Do a sacral chakra visualization
Best suited to: deficient and excessive sacral chakra blockages
Imagine a throbbing or swirling ball of luminescent orange light three inches below your bellybutton. Feel the ball of orange energy dissolving all blockages or aggressive flows of energy within you.
11. Do something spontaneous
Best suited to: deficient sacral chakra blockages
Give yourself the permission to do something that you wouldn’t usually do. Break the cycle of rigid and uncreative living! For example, watch a movie you’d never watch, travel to a place you’d never thought possible, take up a wacky new craft, you name it!
12. Get sexually creative
Best suited to: deficient sacral chakra blockages
If you have a partner, explore different creative forms of sexuality. For example, discover what fetishes or sexual positions you’d both like to try out together to spice up the bedroom. If you’re single, explore different creative forms of self-pleasure. If blockages such as guilt or shame arise, question them.
13. Cleanse the sacral chakra with aromatherapy oils
Best suited to: deficient and excessive sacral chakra blockages
Use oils such as ginger, orange, jasmine, neroli, rosewood, and bergamot.
14. Clear blocks with yoga
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
Yoga is an amazing way to open up blocked constrictions of energy in the body. Try the cobra, butterfly, camel, goddess, reverse warrior, and pigeon poses.
15. Say daily affirmations
Best suited to: deficient and excessive sacral chakra blockages.
What you think is what you manifest. Support your sacral chakra healing by repeating the following affirmations with sincerity and open-heartedness, “I allow myself to feel my emotions,” “I create healthy boundaries,” “I embrace my inner passion,” “I value and respect my body,” “My sexuality is sacred,” “I release my inner emotions creatively.”
16. Chant “Vam” to yourself
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
This sound matches the vibration of the sacral chakra. Try drawing out the letters into sounds, such as “vaaaaaammmmmmmmm.” You might also like to listen to binaural beats (a form of music healing therapy) which helps to activate and clear all the chakras through alternating sound waves. Try these chakra healing songs.
You can also try to incorporate more humor into your life. Try watching funny movies or surrounding yourself with lighthearted people who are in touch with the sacral chakra. You might also like to explore belly dancing which is a wonderful stimulator of the sacral chakra.
Final Advice
After reading all this information, you might be wondering what you should do next.
I recommend picking a handful of activities from the list above that you’re naturally drawn to. Make sure you identify whether you have a deficient or excessive chakra blockage (or a mixture), and choose accordingly. Experiment with each healing modality for a couple of weeks and observe how you feel.
Tell me, do you have any other sacral chakra healing tips? Please share below!
To read more about chakra healing, check out my other articles and test in this series:
- Root Chakra Healing Guide
- Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Guide
- Heart Chakra Healing Guide
- Throat Chakra Healing Guide
- Third Eye Chakra Healing Guide
- Crown Chakra Healing Guide
- Free Chakra Test – How Balanced Are You?
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Just thought I’d add more secular suggestions of terms/phrases to google to explore a chakra, and this time it’s the sacral chakra. Because why not? Besides, the lower chakras are underrated in the spiritual community, so I might as well add as many suggestions possible. 1. Ways to play as an adult 2. Benefits of play for adults 3. How to have fun in life (If you don’t naturally know how to have fun, at least google it. Duh.) 4. Ways to have fun. 5. Guilt for relaxing advice 6. Productivity guilt advice 7. The myth of meritocracy 8. Guilt over not working. 9. Guilt for being lazy 10. Importance of leisure / Importance of rest / Importance of recreation 11. Workaholic signs / work addiction signs 12. Signs of burnout 13. List of creative hobbies to try 14. Easy creative activities for adults / Easy creative activities for kids 15. Things to do with friends 16. Fun things to do for couples 17. Quarantine date ideas 18. Cheap date ideas 19. Cheap activities to do with friends 20. Online activities to do with friends 21. Romantic things to do for couples 22. Gift ideas for friends / girlfriend or… Read more »
Hello brothers and sisters, Namaste and sat nam, Blessings to you all. I am experiencing in my life as I wake up from dreams into this waking state that there are universal forces that seem to try and control me and my life without me noticing it. My interpretation is that I have a connection with God (as we all do) acting as a channel and that I am a receiver of light and information. In the same way as a television set should be running the right programs to display the proper and best quality, I find myself in need of tools to upgrade my software as a receiver of information, because I am at this time, using the TV-metaphor, displaying black and white rather than colour signals of God. I am wondering if there is a term for this as well as why this is happening and of course how I can prevent these universal forces that seem to sabotage me. I hope that some one in here will find this interesting and help me as I do my work to be a clear channel of Gods light and energy. Do you have any suggestions on how to clear… Read more »
Thank you, I have all your quick chakra healing pages open on my browser for quick access and easy healing fixes. During this tough time in my life filled with growth I receive love and support from your page. With tears in my eyes, I thank you so much.
You saved my life lady, and even duo i will never meet you i want you to know i will forever be gratefull for second chance i got in life by reading this aritcle.
i was heavily abused and i tought that something is wrong with me but it is all about energy, frequence, vibrations and ofcorse insticts and intiution.
thank you my life is changed for better and all thanks to your article.
Thank you! :)
There is one more chakra it is the
Throat chakra- vishudda – ham
Thank you for posting this article. I have been searching for help about how to heal my second chakra. My second chakra energy swings dramatically from deficient to excessive blockages; it has done so all of my life. Some due to deep seated abuse and shaming when I was a child and as a young adult. My sex life has never felt emotionally fulfilling or balanced. I’m in my 50’s now and I no longer want to go through the rest of my life unbalanced. I’m trying now to engage in concerted practices to heal. I ran across your article and website and am so incredibly grateful to both of you for serving humanity so well through posting healing information. Thank you.
These are great suggestions. I particularly need to try….#’s 9, 10, 11, and 15.
I love practicing catharsis. Sometimes all those emotions really do get stored up and I like to play loud music and sing at the top of my lungs to get it out.
I know my sacral chakra is blocked. I have a lot of my chakras blocked. I do need to learn how to find balance again, that’s for sure.:) Thank you for the article Luna!
I love these series about our chakras. I relate to all of them so far. Thank you for sharing these practical tips. I happen to have an amber bracelet at home so I will dig it up and use it. I really like the visualisation exercise. While reading the article I really wanted to see some orange. Maybe it is because today is the first warm and sunny day after the winter or because my chakra is asking for it… It is funny to realise I hardly ever do something with orange… maybe I can use it in my art, paint orange flowers :).