Christmas time. It’s noisy, materialistic, and socially overwhelming.
Most people plan for it, spend for it, live for it, and dread it all at the same time each year.
In our society, the Christmas ideal is to sit around a heavily bedazzled tree or heftily set dinner table with every member of our family and friendship circles.
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But the truth is, many of us don’t meet or fulfill that ideal. Â
Many of us wind up feeling lonely, isolated, and disillusioned because of our lack of close friendships or family members. And so we spend Christmas alone.
For those of us who have undergone some kind of spiritual awakening or existential crisis, Christmas time can be particularly painful. And that’s what I plan to cover in this article.
Table of contents
Christmas and Spiritual Awakening
Among many of the reasons why we may spend Christmas alone, undergoing a spiritual awakening is one of the top causes.
When we experience a spiritual awakening (and due to the state of the planet, an increasing number of people are), we tend to feel overwhelmed by everything. We begin to question our life choices, what our meaning of life is, and see life in a different light.
This process of life turning on its head tends to make Christmas a particularly difficult and even traumatic time.
We might ask questions such as:
- Why do I need to meet up with people I rarely see during the year for a celebration that is old and outdated?
- What’s the point of pretending that I “like” or “want to spend time with” family members who are toxic?
- I’m not Christian or I don’t believe in the origins of Christmas – why should I then celebrate it?
- How do I stop feeling so depressed and anxious during this time of year?
- Do I even want to celebrate Christmas in the first place?
As a result of the internal process of spiritual transformation occurring, our priorities become clearer and deeper concerns rise to the surface – Christmas becomes a time of dread and depression.
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Not only that, but we may not wish to adhere to the same consumerism that is destroying the planet and our souls. Saying no, being true to ourselves, and listening to our integrity becomes anxiety-provoking as we don’t want to go against the status quo in our family of origin. And yet, a part of us craves to break free and live according to our own values. A painful split emerges within us.
Furthermore, society tells us that to be alone (or to spend time Christmas alone) is tragedy that makes us sad and pitiful human beings. Sure, this might not be blatantly taught to us, but it’s an unspoken, subliminal message that we absorb. And it’s utter nonsense.
The Joy of Spending Christmas Alone
Before I get into the joy of spending Christmas alone, let’s explore why we fear aloneness.
First off, being alone is not the same as being lonely. The two are totally different experiences.
To set the record straight: being alone is something we enjoy or choose. Being lonely is something we fear and avoid.
So why the fear of spending Christmas alone?
I believe we fear spending Christmas alone, not just because of the social conditioning that we shouldn’t, but also because very few people know how to be alone anymore.
Well, when we’re alone, we have to face ourselves, our thoughts, and the irrepressible truth that we are alone, at an ego level. This fear of facing the hard truths of life causes us to fear being alone, and in the process, forget the delights of solitude.
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In our society, it is heretical not only to be alone but heretical to find contentment and fulfillment by ourselves, in ourselves as well.
As writer and solitude-lover Lionel Fisher comments in his book Celebrating Time Alone,
… we’ve been conditioned to press on mindlessly, be part of the norm.
And that norm is to stuff our inner void as full of stimulation and noise as possible.
The fact is that we need to relearn how to be alone. If we ever desire true inner peace, self-knowledge, and happiness – the kind that can only be discovered in solitude – we need to relearn how to be alone. We need to make peace with our aloneness. We need to embrace the power of solitude.
Fortunately, the holiday season is the perfect time to celebrate time alone with yourself. It’s fundamentally an act of self-care. It may be odd and out of the ordinary, but to live up to the standards of a sick, deeply flawed society is misguided.
Below you’ll find a list of just over 50 quirky, challenging, and enjoyable ideas to help you savor Christmas alone (if you choose to).
51 Things to Do Alone on Christmas
This list was originally written in 2012. While some of the ideas below cater to the playful, silly inner child side within us, others cater to our more serious, adult, and practical inner dimensions. I’m sure you’ll find at least one idea that appeals to you below.
1. Â Listen to what your inner child needs most from you right now. This inner child test can help.
2. Â Meditate on the sounds of nature outside.
3. Take a road trip to a place you’ve never been before.
4. Â Do some therapeutic art to release any tension within you.
5. Â Compose your own Christmas carol or listen to a new musician/artist you’ve never heard of before.
6. Â Go for a long walk somewhere you’ve never been.
7. Give yourself the gift of silence. Block out all noises and distractions and do what matters to you the most.
8. Â Look for the loneliest looking person in town and send them positive energy.
9. Â Sing your favorite songs loudly in your house and notice how liberated you feel.
10.  Sit outside and appreciate nature while drinking calming and mood-boosting teas like passionflower, lavender, or chamomile.
11. Â Be your own best friend for the entire day. Say kind words to yourself and practice self-love.
12. Â Consider what skill you’d like to learn in the coming year, and take one step towards making that goal a reality.
13. Â Â Get crafty and use old art supplies to create something weird and wild.
14.  Do a grounding healing meditation.
15. Â Â Â Pull a tarot or oracle card and do some deep self-reflection.
16. Â Read the comments below this article, respond to someone, and let them know they’re not alone (spread the good karma!)
17. Â Spend time outdoors (depending on where you live) and do some gardening.
18. Â Â Read a book that will expand your mind, such as The Spiritual Awakening Process or Old Souls (shameless plug for our books, I know, but worth it!)
19. Â Do a good deed for someone in person or online that will make you feel happy.
20. Â Spend Christmas researching new hobbies and interests to broaden your mind and world.
21. Â Do a letting go ritual to release old habits that no longer serve you.
21. Make your own Christmas decorations by hand, and cover your house in them.
22. Â Â Build a spiritual altar and fill it with images and found objects that make you feel spiritually connected.
23. Â Come up with a list of 20 reasons why you shouldn’t celebrate Christmas. What would a rebellious freethinker say about Christmas?
24. Â Bake yourself something delicious and enjoy mindfully eating it alone in peace.
25. Â Go to your local park and soak in the sights, smells, and sounds of Christmas day. Feel the happy vibes. Connect with nature.
26. Â Declutter your surroundings to create more inner space and peacefulness.
27. Â Have a movie marathon, rewatching movies that were paradigm-shifting to you.
28. Â Spend quality time with your fur baby if you have one. Alternatively, watch videos of cute animals online to boost your brain’s happy chemicals.
29. Â Look for local free events that you may find listed online (on places like Facebook) and attend them if you’re feeling social.
30. Â Â Read some of our many articles or take some tests on this website. Increase your self-knowledge! Our home page is a great place to start.
31. Open a map of your town, close your eyes, and point to a place on the map. Drive or walk there, and see what you find.
32. Â Connect with your spirit animal and see what it has to share with you.
33. Â Light a candle for all the souls who are spending Christmas alone like you, and send up a prayer to whoever or whatever you believe in to offer them comfort. Notice how you feel afterward.
34.  Collect items that represent your feelings and thoughts about Christmas Day. Put them in a time capsule box and bury them in your backyard.
35. Â Research the deeper symbolic significance of Christmas.
36. Â Learn the art of automatic writing and discover what your deeper Self wants you to know.
37. Â Think about what you loved to do as a kid that you don’t do anymore, and do it, e.g., if it was taking bubble baths, take a bubble bath!
38. Make your day more humorous. Watch a comedy, laugh at people and yourself, and look for reasons why the things you take seriously are comedic.
39. Â Sit and observe people on Christmas day and write a short story about them.
40. Think of every reason why you enjoy being alone for the entire day.
41. Â Reassess your daily routine and find three alternative ways to do what you normally do. Put them in practice.
42. Â Be actively lazy and catch up on as much sleep as you can.
43.  Spend the day opening, cleansing, and balancing the chakras within your body. This chakra test can help you get started.
44.  Find a way of helping others; for instance, offer your hand in a soup kitchen, volunteer to visit the elderly, or do anything that supports others’ well-being.
45. Â Use the day to achieve something important. For example, write a whole blog post, get to level 22 on your game, solve 50 riddles, etc.
46. Â Spend the day painting or drawing your impression of Christmas Day.
47. Â Be eccentric. Weird out the people in your neighborhood by hanging bizarre things off a tree outside your house.
48. Â Nurture yourself for the whole day. Give yourself hugs, write yourself a poem, and compose a list of everything you love about yourself.
49. Â Do five things that are silly or ridiculous to you, and see if you get any life epiphanies.
50. Â Spend the entire day off the internet (for your mental well-being). Do something old-fashioned with your hands and notice how you feel.
51. Do some soul searching. Reflect on who you are, what you want from life, and what brings you a sense of meaning and purpose.
52. Spend time journaling and reflecting on the past year. What was the #1 lesson you learned? Here are some brilliant journaling ideas.
What to Do if You Decide to (or Have to) Spend Christmas With Others
Sometimes, we dearly want to spend Christmas alone, but it’s just not possible. That’s the way life is presenting itself right now. What do we do?
Although this article is aimed at those who have undergone a spiritual awakening and are struggling with Christmas, these tips can help anyone at any stage of their life journey:
- Take care of your stress levels. Relax before the event, e.g., ensure that you’re grounded, well-rested, and organized.
- Be present with your inner child. Expanding the above point, be aware that holidays like Christmas can trigger old patterns of stress and fear within us. These patterns come from the wounded inner child – and we all, more or less, have one. So give yourself a lot of validation, love, and support. You deserve it and need it. See our inner child article for more guidance.
- Set boundaries and limits. For example, make it known how long you can be at the celebration/gathering before you need to go to ____________ You get to decide. The power is in your hands.
- If contributing to consumerism/climate change is an issue for you, think about giving more mindful gifts. Focus on sustainable and ethically produced items. Bamboo is a great choice and place to start as it’s widely accessible and is manufactured in a variety of ways (from coffee mugs to bed linen).
- Keep it simple. Focus on simplifying what you need to do. Stick to the essentials. Don’t be afraid of letting go of the tasks and Christmas habits you’ve always done simply because they’re familiar.
- Think about how you’d like to reclaim your holidays for next year. Let’s face it, Christmas can feel really arbitrary and pointless. Why not plan for how you’d like to make Christmas (or another celebration you choose) more intentional. Don’t be afraid to create a new holiday ritual for you and your family that feels authentic.
- Limit contact (as much as possible) with toxic family members. We all have *that* uncle, parent, mother-in-law, or extended family member who’s a pain in the ass. Be strategic and find ways of limiting your contact with them. Doing so will help you hold onto that little bit of extra sanity.
- Gratitude helps a lot. Yes, I know the situation might not be ideal for you. But there are much worse situations out there. In fact, science has proven that being grateful is a powerful way of remaining happy and calm. So no, you don’t need to be thankful for your sibling’s self-entitled or snarky behavior, but you can be grateful that they have raised beautiful children that bring joy to the world.
Christmas is a celebration that is imposed on us by society. We often feel the need to play by its unspoken rules, and thus we experience a loss of our self-sovereignty. But with mindfulness, self-compassion, and a little effort, it can become a source of empowerment.
Enjoy, and take care of yourself!
So tell me, what is your story? Are you spending Christmas alone out of choice … or perhaps by circumstance? Maybe you are sharing Christmas with others but don’t want to. Share below to let others know that they’re in good company.
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I am so happy to find this article and comments, it has made me feel better about my situation. I am 64 and have 3 grown children who have all stopped speaking to me as of last May, due to my political views. They have done this twice before; third time is a charm, so this will be my 3rd Christmas alone in my life. I have had a very difficult time getting excited at all about Christmas and feel guilty that I am letting it slip by without trying to attend any Christmas events in our town; it’s just so difficult to go alone. It was difficult for me to even put up a Christmas tree this year I’ve been so depressed over the current situation. I never pictured myself ever being alone on Christmas or any other holiday. I guess the saddest thing for me is the reality that they do not care if I am alive or dead; their politics comes first in their lives. I am an artist, so I have decided to paint a canvas Christmas day, and I am going to cook a nice Christmas dinner and share it with my dog Bella and… Read more »
i’m freshly 18. my family is spending christmas at my uncles house but we don’t get along so i am not spending it with them. i don’t really know how to handle being alone on christmas after 18 years of spending it with family. i feel sad about it and not sure what to really do i have very limited activities and cant cook anyone have any ideas :(
#48 is my favorite, I may have to do that.
. I have been alone on Christmas for several years now. In order to fight off the depression, I am developing traditional yearly activities for being alone at Christmas. One of these is I love the huge variety of candy canes they have at Walmart but I can’t eat all that sugar. So I buy about 10 different bo flavor boxes and take two out of each box for my tree, and the rest I give away to neighbors for their kids. Another one of these is my nightly walk to look at the lights in my neighborhood with a thermos full of vegan hot chocolate and an iPod full of carols. I figure people have them out for others to enjoy so I should enjoy them. The other thing I do is follow Santa around the world as he is tracked online. I use Google Earth and try to follow him and visit whatever 360-degree sites are available where he lands. It’s really funny though because in doing this I noticed Santa often visits uninhabited islands! I wonder if that is an inside joke made by the programmers and we aren’t really supposed to notice. It’s pretty funny. I… Read more »
This will be my first Christmas without my husband of 36 years, he left earlier this year. I have two grown up offspring, both asked me to go to theirs, as they each have partners. I’m just not in the mood for Christmas to be honest and who could pick between the two households and I would be just faking it anyway. I read this post and actually laughed, I haven’t done a huge amount of that lately. I have two little dogs & am going to do as suggested, I will walk them & spoil them for the day. And if my 25 year old car starts, I will take them to the park. But I am going to do the tree thing !! I am going to hang weird stuff on the trees at the end of my drive, as that is what made me laugh the most. Thank you for this post, I no longer dread the day.
Christmas is near and this year is the 4th time I do it alone. I always hated this hypocritical fake love and light play I’ve had all the years before. The last few times I celebrated with my family, I did things like “drinking half a bottle of Wodka and start beeing sarcastic a.f.” – But then I stopped celebrating Christmas to prevent becoming and alcoholic :D On my first Christmas alone I read a book and watched one of my alltime favorite movies “101 Reykjavik” which events also play at Christmas time, but has nothing to do with Christmas at all. The year after I nearly got a heart-attack, and the last year I was thinking a lot about life, the universe and everything. I think this year I’ll go back to one of the passions I gave up for a while, and make a new song. Eventually I’ll watch the “Doctor Who” Christmas episode “Last Christmas” after that, to remind myself, to always question what happens, what is real and what might be just an illusion or dream. And then I’ll send an Christmas-Letter to the actors and authors and thank them, because beside psychological and spiritual articles… Read more »
I will celebrate Christmas with my precious service dog Kylie. The 2 human beings that I gave birth to disowned me; threw me away; discarded me….They moved on with their lives. I was told by one that he has to protect his wife and daughter from me although they have never included me in their life. He did use me whenever he needed my help. He has never helped me. Actually neither of them have. When they were growing up and I was their only parent, while I was paying for their education or paying for them to travel overseas.
I have PTSD from things that I experienced during my military career.
This is my second Christmas having no offsprings but they have not included me in their lives for years. Well only if it benefited them, especially the oldest!! He and his wife used me up.
I want to find new items to decorate and enjoy.
Not actually alone, but I’m not spending Christmas WITH anyone either. I haven’t had a partner for over 20 years – and only had one for 9 years before that, so I’ve been alone for most of my adult life. I essentially lost contact with my parents (by choice) after I was 25, and they both died before I was 40 (I’m now 66). I don’t have any siblings or children, my father was estranged from his own family, and my mother’s family lived in another country, so I saw them a dozen times at most – about a month in total . All this may help to explain why I’ve opted for a solitary profession – I’m a freelance translator, and have never met more than a handful of my clients face to face. I very often spend Christmas simply working, since the very few friends I have are all away visiting family (‘my parents would be SO upset if I didn’t…’). I normally live in Holland (having moved away from my native Britain – another way to be alone?), but after discovering that Christmas is much less of a big deal in Slovenia I now spend the whole… Read more »
I thought this site is for loners, it seems not. Loners like me find Christmas depressing because we are expected to spend the time with everyone else. But then even if we are luckily left alone, it is still depressing. Places used to be quiet, like libraries or museums or remote parks or a certain restaurant, are either closed or flooded with mobs. We feel stressed to face such “invasion of territory”, but have to bear it or retreat at those are just happy, festive people who are enjoying a special day. To survive Christmas alone (a very nice thing though, not considered lonely), I would suggest not going outside so to avoid the chaotic crowd. If you wish to leave the house, maybe go hiking. In the city it is difficult to find solitude during Christmas, and that’s why I searched for advices on this site. But then what are these suggestions? – Search for the loneliest looking person in town and give them a present? Why would I seek interaction with a stranger amongst the big Christmas crowd? And an extroverted stranger that probably is, as the person feels sad for not being included. The action is so… Read more »
Many years ago, when I had three little ones at home, I decided not to travel across the country to visit extended family. We were a family of five and we took traditions from both sides of the family. We first opened stockings. Then we made a Polish breakfast with polish sausage. After that, we took turns opening one present at a time. It took a while, but it was fun. Then we would all go our separate ways to try out all of our new things. Lunch was cheese and crackers and cups of tomato soup. Then off to the movies. Dinner was always light…with ham, of course. It wasn’t a grand day, running around seeing our relatives. It was a quiet, personal, family day. Now my children are grown and I am divorced. Christmas has changed. This is the fifth Christmas without all of us together. Sometimes I have a child with me…sometimes not. My large family of seven…well, they all celebrate Christmas with their own families. So the day is still very quiet. I try to do the same traditions as I did in the past. It is not the same. The loss is painful. I tell… Read more »